Chapter 44 :- Visions Under the Starlight

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On the night of Maria's party, Alex sat on his bed, staring out the window at the darkening sky, while Lucy meticulously applied her makeup in his mirror. The room was filled with the quiet rustle of fabric and the occasional click of a makeup compact.

Lucy, satisfied with her work, turned around to see Alex's brooding reflection.

"Are you still thinking about what happened at the hospital?" she asked gently.

Alex tore his gaze away from the window and looked at her, his eyes clouded with unease.

"You mean the part where Dan came out of his coma just to become the mouthpiece of a creepy forest entity? Kind of hard not to think about that," he replied, his voice tinged with sarcasm and fear.

He continued with a sigh, running a hand through his hair. "I mean, come on, we're being stalked by some supernatural force, and everyone wants to go to party but I guess things have been so... weird lately."

Lucy smiled faintly, trying to lighten the mood.

"At least a party might get everyone's minds off the whole Dylan situation," she suggested, turning back to the mirror to tuck her hair behind her ears.

Alex watched her, the tension easing slightly from his shoulders. He knew she was right, at least partially. Maybe a few hours of normalcy could help them all cope with the strangeness that had invaded their lives. But the fear lingered, a shadow at the back of his mind, refusing to be ignored.

Alex managed a smile. "At least one of us is excited about this."

Lucy beamed, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "I kind of am. I feel pretty good about tonight. It’s crazy, but even with everything going on, I think things are finally starting to go my way!"

Alex raised an eyebrow, his smile fading slightly. "Are you really, really sure that Maria's sudden change of heart has nothing to do with Dylan?"

At the mention of Dylan’s name, Lucy shuddered. "I... know it seems that way, but there’s no proof he can do something like that. Maybe she really is trying to turn over a new leaf, like Kimmy said."

Alex sighed, his concern evident. "I know you guys are friends, but it's impressive how positive you are about her."

Lucy turned back to the mirror, and in her reflection, Alex saw a blush creeping across her cheeks.

"I know you're just trying to look out for me, Alex," she said softly. "But you don't know her like I do... and this is a risk I’m willing to take."

Alex nodded, his expression serious but supportive. "Okay... but remember, I’ve got your back. If she ends up hurting you, she’s dead meat."

Lucy laughed, her smile widening as she pulled Alex into a tight hug. "Enough with all this serious business. We’ve got a party to get to, and you need to change!"

Alex grinned. "Change? I like this outfit."

But Lucy was adamant. "Come on, Alex, you can do better. Please?"

With a resigned sigh, Alex went into his changing room. A few minutes later, he emerged in a black T-shirt, a red jacket, and black jeans. Lucy gave him an approving nod, and they headed out together.


When they crossed the threshold into Maria's living room, they were met with a sea of Riverwood students. The air was filled with chatter, laughter, and the thumping beat of the music. The room buzzed with energy, every corner filled with groups of friends catching up and having a good time.

They were also greeted by a symphony of laughter and the warm glow of soft lights. The hallway, adorned with twinkling fairy lights, led them to the grand living room where the heart of the party was in full swing. The room was a vibrant blend of colors, with streamers and balloons of every shade creating a festive atmosphere.

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