Chapter 3-Eryn

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An hour later, Jace had shown me around the whole camp and we were back at the baby blue house, or the Big House as it was called.

"Well, thanks for the tour, Jace," I said.

"Now I've got to take you to the pavilion for dinner," he said. "Sorry you can't get rid of me so soon."

I smiled. "No biggie."

"Ha, funny," he said. "Come on."

We walked back to the dinning pavilion for dinner. Jace told me there is a table for each cabin and an extra for visiters.

"You'll sit at the Posiden table with your brother Percy," he said.

"I have a brother?" I asked.

"You'll see."

We walked over to the third table. Sitting at it was a boy, maybe seventeen, with black messy hair and sea green eyes like me. He wore an orange camp tee with denim shorts. He looked over at us as we approached.

"Hey, Jace," he said. "Who's this?"

"This is Eryn Willemstad, your sister," Jace said. "She's new and going to need some help with, well, everything. I'll be back after dinner to help her at the sing along."

The boy at the table nodded, and Jace walked away.

"Well, I'm Percy Jackson," he said. "I guess I'm your brother."

I nodded and sat down at the table across from Percy.

"Well, what do I do?" I asked.

"First, you need a plate," he said. He got up, walked over to a table, and grabbed a plate, a cup, and some silverware. He then brought them back over and sat them down in front of me. "Just think of what you want to eat and drink, and it'll appear in your cup and on your plate," he instructed.

I thought of a caesar salad with breadsticks, and it appeared on my plate. I then thought of chocolate milk and it appeared in my cup.

"Cool," I said. "And it clears automatically?"

"Yep," he said.

"That's really cool," I said.

"Okay, one last thing before we eat, we have to dump half of our food into the fire as an offering to the gods. You just say who you're offering it to as you dump it in the fire."

"Okay," I said. "It's hard to wrap my mind around the concept that the Greek gods are real."

Percy laughed. "I didn't believe it at first either. I'm going to have a serious talk with Dad about another sibling though."

"Is there another one?" I asked.

"Yeah, we have a cyclops brother who lives in Dad's underwater palace," Percy explained. "Other than Tyson, I think we're the only others."

I nodded. "Wait, our dad has an underwater palace?" I asked.

"Yeah, he is the god of the sea, after all," Percy pointed out obviously.

"Right," I said slowly.

Suddenly, everyone got up with their plates and started walking up to the fire. Percy and I grabbed our plates and followed behind. Everyone each took a turn throwing half of their food away. Then it finally came to my turn.

I dumped half of my salad in the fire.

"Posiden, please accept my offering," I said. "And please say I did this right," I muttered under my breath. I then walked back to my table where Percy was waiting for me.

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