Chapter 15-Eryn

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I woke the next morning and quickly got up. Because I found out last night that Zaylor is comfortable creeping into people's rooms, I thought it would be best to get dressed in case she decided to come over early.

And I was right. At seven thirty sharp, I heard a knock at my cabin door. I opened it to see Zaylor in her classic outfit: gray skinny jeans, white and green DC's, a white hoodie, and a lime green watch.

"Ya ready?" she asked.

"Yep," I said, walking out of the cabin and closing the door behind me. "Are we-"

"-going to the Ares cabin?" she finished. "Yes, yes we are."


We knocked on the door of the Ares cabin, and, just my luck, Clarisse LaRue answered.

I've never met her, but I've heard too many rumors about how she's the meanest person at camp.

She had an angry look on her face, but as soon as she recognized Zaylor, it turned into a smile.

"Maximo," she said, "how are you?"

"Hey, Clarisse," Zaylor replied, "is Jace up yet? We've got... quest business to discuss."

"Ohhh," Clarisse winked. "I'll get him."

She turned around to find him, and Zaylor raised her hand like she was going to slap her. I put my hand to my mouth to stop a laugh. "Don't do it," she said to herself. She quickly put her hand down and dramatically breathed in. "Absolute control."

A moment later Jace appeared at the door. "Oh, hey, Zaylor," he said. "What's up?"

"Eryn and I need to discuss business with you," Zaylor said, a hint of sarcasm in her voice. "Very, very important."

"Uh, okay," he stepped out of the cabin and closed the door behind him. "What's up?"

"In the prophecy," Zaylor said, "it says that three will continue on the quest while three go west to find a daughter of Hades."

"Yeah," he nodded.

"Eryn and I are two of those three," Zaylor said, "Will you be the third?"

He looked surprised and happy at the same time. "Yeah, of course," he said. "I'd love to."

"Great," Zaylor said. "Then the three of us will split from the rest of the group later. Thanks, Jace."

"Yeah, no problem." After an awkward minute of silence, he continued, "Well, I better get inside. I have to finish packing."

"Alright," Zaylor nodded. "Thanks again. See ya later."

Jace nodded and went back into his cabin.

"Okay, that's done," Zaylor said to herself. She turned to me. "Thanks for coming with me, Air," she said.

"No problem," I replied. "Well, I'm going to go meet Mickey so we can walk to breakfast together."

"Alright," Zaylor said. She waved. "Have fun," she said as she began to walk off.

I waved back and headed towards the Aphrodite cabin.


After breakfast, Percy, Jason, Annabeth, and Piper returned from their trip to get Eliza. Zaylor, Jace, Ryker, Mickey, Sydney, Summer, and I were hanging out at the pavilion when they arrived.

"Yes!" Zaylor said. "Eryn, you have to meet my best friend Eliza. She's a daughter of Hecate. She taught me how to use the mist."

I nodded. "Who's Hecate?"

"The goddess of magic," Sydney said.

"Do you know what the mist is?" Summer asked sarcastically, practicing sword fighting with a camp dummy.

It was going to be a long quest if Summer kept this up.

"Yes," I replied. I couldn't hold it back. "Do you know what the mist is?" I asked in the same sarcastic tone.

"Huh," Summer laughed. She pointed her sword at me. "You're funny. I like you."

"Alright," Zaylor said getting up. "Let's go see her!"

She began to walk towards the returning group. Her walk gradually turned into a run, and she ran in front of us until we reached them. "Hey, Bro-Bro, Percy, Annabeth, Piper," she paused. A confused look appeared on her face. "Where's Eliza?"

"Eliza wasn't at the camp," Jason said. "We don't know where she went."

Zaylor looked upset. "Oh," she said. "Okay. Thanks for looking."

She turned around and started walking back to the training area, the confused look still on her face. The rest of us ran to catch up with her.

"Zaylor, are you okay?" Sydney asked. "She's okay. I'm sure she's on her way back right now."

"No, it's not that," she said. "It just confuses me, I mean, why would Eliza ," she made finger quotes, "'run away' from Camp Jupiter?"

"Maybe someone was mean to her?" Mickey said.

"Nah," Summer said, "Maybe she wasn't being challenged at the Roman camp."

"Summer, my brother's from the Roman camp," Zaylor said.

"Right, sorry," she said.

"Maybe we'll find her on our quest?" I said.

"Yeah, maybe," Sydney replied.

Zaylor suddenly looked up, and she had a look on her face like she had just remembered something. "Guys," she said, "Aren't we leaving today?"

"Yeah," Sydney replied.

"I completely forgot to pack," she said. "I'll see you guys in a bit. I've gotta pack!" she said, running off towards her cabin.

We all watched after her for a minute.

"If anyone else needs to pack," Sydney said, "go now."

And with that, everyone but Mickey and me ran in different directions.

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