Chapter 30 - Eryn

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With ease, Rachel shadow traveled the six of us back to camp borders, after we took some time to explain to her what it looked like, of course, since she had never been there. When we did arrive, she didn't look exhausted at all, but rather refreshed. 

"Must just have tiring affects on kids that aren't Hades'," Summer pointed out. 

Solemnly, we all made our way to the Big House, where I first met Chiron not even a full week before. We embarked on that whole quest and still weren't any closer to finding Chiron. Each of us were saying "not it," trying to determine who would break the bad news to everybody.

Approaching the porch, Rachel Elizabeth Dare ran out to meet us.

"Guys! You'll never believe it!" she exclaimed, "Chiron is back!" 

"What?" Jace, who had been deemed the speaker, asked. 

"He's inside right now!"

The six of us ran inside and, sure enough, there was Chiron, that half-man, half-white stallion, standing, happy as can be. 

"What?" Summer said unbelievably. 

"Where were you?!" Sydney asked. 

"I told Rachel Elizabeth, she must have forgot," Rachel blushed a deep red, "This was my weekend with the Party Ponies. We were all the way out in Oregon for a while there." 

"Oh," Sydney said, shocked, "Do not trust a newer face, or you will bring the camp disgrace." She turned to Rachel, "You did see Chiron in your dream! You just didn't recognize him-"

"-so we traveled right past him," Jace finished. 

"Oh, man," Rachel face palmed, embarrassed, "I'm so sorry, guys." 

"Oh, don't worry about it," I said, "I mean, you had never seen him before anyway. The important thing is that we're all safe." 

"Not all of us," Jace said quietly. 

"What?" Chiron asked. The six of us hung our heads. "What happened?" he asked again. 

Sydney looked up, alligator tears in her eyes. "Zaylor..." 

But that was all she could say. That was all any of us could say. 

Chiron nodded. "I see." He bowed his head in silence, too, for a moment before saying, "She was a bright, strong girl. She will be missed dearly."  He turned his head to Rachel Elizabeth, who also hung her head. "At dinner tonight we can announce the return of our heroes," he paused, "And the death of our Zaylor." 

That night, after dinner, everyone filed to the pavilion, as usual. It was Friday, so we would have our big camp fire after announcements. The six of us dreaded the announcements tonight. 

We had each tried to bring our spirits up by showing Rachel around camp. It worked for a little bit, but with dinner our thoughts all returned to Zaylor. 

When everyone was seated, Rachel Elizabeth started with usual camp announcements. Soon, it was Sydney's turn to go up. Since Zaylor was gone, Sydney was deemed speaker because she was the first Zaylor picked to go on the quest with. 

Sydney made it almost all the way up to the center of the pavilion when she started crying. The other five of us sat together near the front. As soon as Sydney broke down, Summer buried her head into Ryker's shoulder. Ryker and Rachel hung their heads, and Jace did the same, wiping his eye real quick. 

The whole camp was watching her cry, whispering and looking alarmed. Not waiting for Sydney to suffer there any longer, I stood up and took her place. 

"Um, hey," I started nervously. I didn't realize how many kids actually came to camp. "Um, I'm Eryn Willemstad," I forced myself to go on, "I just returned from Z-Zaylor's quest with Sydney Pine, Jace F., Summer Raze, Ryker Evans, and Rachel Hyde. And, uh, Zaylor," I hesitated, wondering how I should break this to everyone, "Zaylor's gone."

Shock and silence from the entire camp. 

"She died fighting for us, for her friends, for this camp," I went on, "She gave us everything, she gave us her life. All that she asked in return, is that we find her mother." I looked at the five broken-hearted friends of mine sitting so near to the front. "And that's what I intend to do." I turned back to the camp. "Zaylor was a great friend. She made us laugh, she played with us, she showed the new kids around, and her arms were always open to everyone. She loved us because... because we were her family. She died trying to help us, her friends and her camp. That's what we really are here, family." I looked again at my friends. "And boy, what a great one we have. Let us always remember Zaylor and what she gave up for this camp." 

And with that I turned and left the center, taking my seat again next to Rachel. My eyes stung. Rachel put her arm around me, in need of comfort herself, and I let the tears fall. 

Awkwardly, someone had to get up and announce that the sing-along would start. But when he sat back down, no one sang. Instead, we all paid Zaylor a moment of silence. 

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