Chapter 14-Eryn

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"Thanks again, Lindsey!" Mickey said as we began walking to my cabin. Lindsey had dramacas, and Mickey somehow managed to talk her into giving them to me. We had gotten ambrosia from the camp gift shop, and I had decided to get food during my quest if we stopped at a grocery store.

"Well, thanks for helping me get ready for my quest," I said.

"Anything for my best friend!" Mickey replied. "Man, I can't believe you're leaving tomorrow."

I shook my head. "Me either."

We heard the dinner conch blow.

"Dang," Mickey said, "is it time for dinner already?" And we walked to dinner together.


Of course, that night I had a nightmare.

In my nightmare, I was watching myself and everyone else who was chosen to go on the quest. We were in the same place as my last nightmare where Zaylor was taken. Alike my last dream, in this one my friends and I were fighting off monsters. I watched myself get knocked out, and Summer ran to my side. Suddenly, a massive group of centaurs appeared, and a girl with dark hair who I didn't recognize shouted, "Chiron?" and one of the centaurs went over to her.

My dream then shifted. There was a little girl with dark hair, like the girl in the previous dream, playing on a playground. A woman who could have been the girl's mother stood next to the trunk, watching the girl from the shade of a tree. The woman wore about all black while the girl wore bright pink and yellow.

"How did she turn out so... bright?" the women said. I first thought she was talking to herself, but then I realized she was waiting for an answer. "I mean, we're both so... not bright."

My dream shifted again. This time the little girl looked the same as the previous dream. It looked like she was arguing with someone. She opened her mouth to say something.

Knock, knock, knock.

What the heck? I thought. That's the weirdest noise I've ever heard anyone make.

Knock, knock, knock.

I opened my eyes and realized someone was at my cabin door. I got up, slipped on my slippers, and ran to the door.

Zaylor stood on the other side. She looked completely dressed, and she had a backpack swung over one shoulder. "Hey," she said. "Can I come in?"

I nodded and stepped aside, letting Zaylor in. I closed the door behind her.

"Can I sit?" Zaylor asked pointing to a chair.

"Uh, yeah, go head," I said. We sat in silence for an awkward minute.

"Well," she said, breaking the silence, "I came to talk to you about the quest."

"Did you decide to take someone else?" I asked, sitting down in another chair across from her.

"Oh, no," she said. "In the prophecy, it says three will continue while three go west to find the daughter of Hades."

I nodded.

"I need to know if you'll go west with me to find Hades' daughter."

I was taken aback. "Uh, yeah," I said. "Who else would come with us?"

"I was thinking Jace," she replied. "Thoughts?"

I shrugged. "I think you should take whoever you think fits the job best."

"Alright, Jace it is," she said. "Will you go with me to ask him?"

"Right now?" I asked.

"In the morning," she said. "Unlike you, he's in a cabin with about sixty or something other people." She stood up. "Thank you, Eryn. I really appreciate what you're doing."

I smiled. "No problem."

As I said that, both of our expressions changed. We both knew this quest was a big problem.

"I mean, anything for the camp," I attempted at saving it.

She smiled. "Alrighty, see you tomorrow."

I nodded and opened the door for her. "See ya."

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