Chapter 5-Eryn

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When I woke up the next morning, Percy was already up and dressed.

"'Morning, Sleeping Beauty," he joked as I stretched and sat up.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Time for you to learn to wake up early. Breakfast is in ten minutes with training afterwords, and you still need a weapon. Zaylor, Jace, and Mickey said they'd take care of that though."

I nodded as I got up.

"Well, I'm going to go find Annabeth," he said. "I'll catch up with you later." Then he ran out of the cabin.

I made my bed and grabbed a shirt, some shorts, socks, and the black converses. I then went into the bathroom and got ready for the day.

When I came out of the bathroom I heard a knock on the door. When I opened it, I saw Zaylor, Mickey, and Jace.

"Ready?" Mickey asked.

"Um... yeah?" I said uneasily. "I don't have a weapon... or armor... or anything else..."

"Don't worry, we'll take care of it," Zaylor assured. "But first we get breakfast. I see you got new clothes?"

"Um, yeah. Percy said Annabeth and Piper got some stuff for me," I replied.

"Ah, my half sister," Mickey said. "That sounds like her."

"Isn't she dating my half brother?" Zaylor said. When everyone looked at her, she added, "What? I just found out we were related. Don't judge."

Jace laughed.

"Alright, let's go," Zaylor said. "We're burning daylight."

We walked out of the cabin area and towards the dining pavilion. Even from yards away I could smell the scent of fresh pancakes and waffles. I sniffed the air, and Mickey laughed.

"Smells good, doesn't it?" she asked.

I nodded.

"You can have it all as soon as we eat," Jace said. "After we'll find you a weapon."

"Maybe only Mick should go with Eryn to get a weapon," Zaylor said.

"W-what?" Jace asked in surprise.

"I mean, she is, like, her best friend," Zaylor commented.

Jace sighed. "You're right," he admitted.

"I know," Zaylor smirked.

We finally reached the pavilion and got our plates.

"I'll see you after breakfast," Mickey said.

"We'll meet at the ampitheature," Zaylor said.

We all nodded as we separated and went to our tables. I imagined four blueberry pancakes with syrup, eight pieces of sausage, and a glass of orange juice. I figured half of it would be a sacrifice to the gods anyway. After, I grabbed my plate and got in line to do sacrifices. When it was my turn, I said, "To Posiden, for letting me get to camp safely." The food burnt in the fire, and I walked back to my table. By the time I got back, Percy was already halfway done with his food.

"Whoa, what's the rush?" I asked.

" After the council meeting, Annabeth, Piper, Jason, and I are going to Camp Jupiter," he replied. "We're going to visit Frank and Hazel and bring Eliza back to our camp. Yeah, she really hates it there."

I nodded. "When do you leave?" I asked.

"After breakfast."

I nodded again. "What's Camp Jupiter?"

"It's a camp like ours," Percy said. "A demigod camp. But, you know how our parents are Greek gods, theirs are Roman."

"I know nothing about Roman or Greek gods so I'm behind at either place," I said.

Percy laughed. "You'll catch up," he promised.

"Ha, maybe," I said.

"Well, I have to get going," he said, standing up from the table. "Take care of the cabin, okay?"

I nodded. "Be safe."

He ran off before I could say anything else. I shook my head. Boys.

Once I had finished eating, I went to the ampitheature like we had agreed. Waiting there beforehand was Zaylor and Jace.

"-on your quest," Jace was saying.

Zaylor noticed me and smiled. "Hey, Ery," she said.

"Hey guys," I said. After a brief paused, I asked, "What's a quest?"

"A quest is kind of like a mission the oracle gives you," Zaylor said. "But the mission is a prophecy... and it kinda sounds like a poem..." She turned to Jace. "Man, this is hard to explain."

He was rubbing his chin, lost in thought as he nodded in agreement.

"Well, you get the outline of it all," Zaylor concluded. "I just finished my first quest," she continued. "Man, it was exciting!"

I nodded.

"You have to train before you go on a quest," Jace said, "so you can kill the monsters and avoid being killed yourself."

I nodded. "Okay."

"Hey, guys," Mickey said as she ran up to us. "Sorry I'm late. Drew was freaking out about the way her food appeared... again."

Zaylor laughed. "That's Drew for ya."

"Well," Mickey turned to me. "Let's go get a weapon." She turned to Zaylor and Jace. "Meet us at the weapon shed in an hour."

"Okay," Zaylor agreed. She turned to me. "I think you'll like our collection."

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