Chapter 11-Eryn

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Monsters were coming from every direction. The place we were in was dark and gloomy, and I could feel the monster's power radiating from everywhere. Zaylor and I stood back to back, fighting them off, fighting for our lives.

Blood covered my arms and weapon. Even though I had cuts and gashes on my arms, most of the blood wasn't mine.

It seemed like every time one of us killed one monster, ten more attacked us. I could tell Zaylor was getting weaker. She started moving slower and striking the beasts with less force. Even though I was becoming worn out myself, I knew if I slacked off for even just a second I might be killed.

More monsters came. I looked behind me and noticed Sydney, Jace, and Summer in the same state.

"Listen, Eryn," Zaylor suddenly said, facing me. She had a large gash on her cheek, and her sword was bloody like mine. "If I don't make it..."

"We're gonna make it," I said. Panic rose up in my chest. "What's going on?"

"Eryn." Everything seemed to stop, all of the fighting, noise, and time itself. "If I don't make it," Zaylor said. "Find my mom for me, okay? And when you do, tell her that I just went away for a while."

Tears swelled up in my eyes. "What are you talking about?" I said.

Time started again, and Zaylor continued to fight for her life.

"Zaylor, what's going on?" I cried. She couldn't hear me. Tears streamed down my face. "Zaylor!!!"

A winged creature swooped down from above. I quickly closed my eyes and covered my head with my free hand.

"Zaylor!!" someone screamed.

I opened my eyes, and I was surrounded by horrifying monsters. Zaylor was gone.

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