Chapter 8-Eryn

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After lunch, Zaylor, Jace, Mickey, Sydney, and I decided to sit on the beach while I told Sydney my story.

"So your mom told you who your father is?" Sydney asked as I finished.

"Yeah," I said.

"Wow," she said amazed. "That's a first."

"How did she reveal it to you?" Zaylor asked. "Like, how did she present it to you? Was it a 'your father is Posiden,' or was it a 'do you want to know who your dad is? Well it's Posiden.'"

Sydney laughed.

"She was actually unsure about telling me," I said. "She wasn't sure if she'd get in trouble for telling me."

"Oh," Zaylor said. "I was way off."

I laughed. In the distance, a girl with curly red hair and paint splattered all over her outfit was running towards us. Zaylor raised her hand and waved.

"Hey, Rachel Eli, what's up?" she said casually.

"Zaylor Chay, how are ya?" the redhead said.

"Good," Zaylor responded. "I-"

"Sydney," Rachel interrupted, "We need you at the big house, now."

Sydney must have realized something was wrong, because she quickly nodded and got up.

"I'll catch up with you guys later," she said as she ran towards the big house with the girl.

"That's our oracle Rachel Elizabeth Dare," Mickey explained. "I really hope everything's okay. She's not usually like that."

"Yeah," Zaylor agreed. "That was odd."

Mickey stood up. "Sorry to run off, but I told Piper that I'd help get the new girl settled. I'll see you later though. Eryn, I'll meet you by the Barbie house cabin for dinner."

"Okay," I said. "See ya."

After that, we sat there for a moment in silence before a conch horn blew in the distance.

"Well, that's dinner," Zaylor said.

We all stood up, and Zaylor took a step towards the dining pavilion.

"Uh, hey Zaylor," Jace said.

Zaylor turned toward him. "What's up?"

"I-I was wondering if maybe you would want to go see a movie or something sometime?" he asked.

Zaylor stared at him for a moment. She then broke into uncontrolable laughter.

"Are-are you okay?" Jace asked.

"Oh, come on Jace," she laughed. "Your dad's dad is Zeus, who is my dad, which makes your dad my half brother, me your aunt, and you my nephew." She laughed again and slapped his shoulder. "Good one, Jace." She laughed as she walked towards the dining pavilion again.

"No, but..." Jace said quietly, half to himself, half to Zaylor. "You're godly side doesn't count..."

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