Chapter 19 - Zaylor

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As soon as Jace sliced the scorpion to yellow dust, I looked at Eryn and saw her pass out.

My eyes widened. "Eryn!"

We ran towards her and knelt down around her. I looked up, and all around us people and children were staring, some crying. I tugged Jace's arm.

"Jace, we have to get out of here."

I heard someone dialing their phone. What had the mist shown them?

"Jace, their calling the police, we have to go," I whispered urgently.

He picked up Eryn, and we ran off as quickly as we could.

Right across from the bus stop was a park, so we went over there and laid her on a bench we found that was surrounded by tall trees so we had a little bit of privacy.

After we sat her down we stared at her in silence for a minute.

"Is she dead?" I whispered.

"Thankfully no," he said, "I felt her breathing when I was carrying her."

I nodded. "So what do you think happened?"

He laughed a little, "I honestly think she passed out from fear."

I shook my head. "Maybe I shouldn't have asked her to come. I mean, isn't this her first week at camp?"

Jace shrugged. "You were the same way." We stood in silence for another moment. "Alright, I'm gonna go buy some water bottles from a gas station. You wait with Eryn, I'll be back."

I smirked as he began to walk off. "Alright, Dad," I said sarcastically.

I saw him shake his head, and I knew he was laughing. I smiled. 

I sat there for only a minute before Eryn woke up. 

"Ugh," she said, rubbing her forehead as she stood up, "What happened?" she looked around, "and where am I?"

"We're guessing that when that scorpion jumped on you you passed out from fear. We had to leave the bus stop so no one would call the police," her eyes widened, "and we went to the nearest park to sit for a minute." 

She looked around. "Where's Jace?" 

"Went to get water from a gas station or something." 


I shrugged. "Yeah." 


"He's a big boy, I think he can take care of himself." 

"We're demigods! No one can take care of themselves!" 

She was clearly upset. 

"Was I supposed to leave you here alone unconscious?" I said. 

She was quiet, clearly taken back at my reply. There was a look of worry on her face.

"He's fine. It's Jace we're talking about."

She sighed and nodded. "Sorry, Zaylor, I get very protective of my friends."

I laughed. "It's okay. I think all demigods have to be that way."

"Yeah," she said smally. 

We stared silently towards the gas station. 

"So your mom," she asked, "What happened to her?"

I looked sadly at her as I remembered when I first came home to our destroyed apartment, and then the message scratched into the wall. 

"Honestly, I don't know," I said, "I just came home and she was... gone." 

She must have sensed my sadness because she didn't say anything more. 

Instead, both of our heads snapped back towards the direction of the gas station as we heard the door slam. Jace, holding three water bottles, came stumbling out, covered in yellow dust. 

"Welp," he said once he reached us, "I just killed two Echidna." 

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