Chapter 17-Eryn

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When we first started walking maybe three hours ago, Zaylor was all pumped up, trying to get us excited and motivated. That ended with the attack of the crab. This blue and green shelled ten-foot-tall beast left us with many bruises and cuts. Its deadly pincers were longer than Jace's body. How we are still alive, I have no idea. Maybe Zeus is really feeling the fatherly love towards Zaylor today. 

The attack, of course, was right when we got off the subway after a two hour ride, which means we have six hours worth of rides ahead of us. 

I seriously wonder what the heck mortals see because of the mist. I know people must think I'm insane

As soon as we defeated the crab, we got back in line to buy our subway tickets to our next stop where there would definitely be another monster waiting for us. 


Zaylor, Jace, and I were being chased by the crab. It reached out and grabbed Zaylor, and she just disappeared. As soon as she did, Jace stopped running. 

"Jace!" I screamed, "What the heck are you doing?!?" 

"Zaylor's gone," he replied, "There's nothing else to fight for." 

The crab then grabbed him and he too disappeared. 

I ran until I left it's pincers grab me, and everything went black. 

When I could see again, I was getting off of the bus. Awaiting me outside was pit scorpion. It was so small compared to the crab, about as big as my hand, so I wasn't too worried about it. Until it stung me. 

My vision began to blur, everything was turning different colors, shapes, dimensions. I felt myself fall over, and as soon as I hit the ground I woke up from my dream. 

I was laying on the floor of the bus and Jace was staring down at me. 

"Eryn, are you okay?" he asked, reaching out his hand to help me up. 

"Yeah, I think so," I replied, taking his hand. He helped pull me up, and I sat back down the bus seat. 

"You were sleeping there, just fine, when suddenly you fell over onto the floor," he informed me. 

I rubbed my the back of my neck. "Yeah, I had a crazy dream." 

He nodded. "What was it about?" 

"Monsters, mainly," I said. "You and Zaylor were in it." 

"Really?" he asked. He had that big brother feel that he gave off talking to me. For the first time in a while I actually felt somewhat comfortable talking about my strange demigod dreams. 

"Yeah, the three of us were being chased by the crab." I looked in front of me and realized Zaylor was out like a light, so I looked at Jace. "It got Zaylor, so you stopped running from it. You said..." 

There was a look in his eyes, and I knew. 

"You.. have feelings for her, don't you?" I asked. 

He smiled and looked at his feet. "Yeah." 

"Jace, that's awesome!" I said in a supportive way. 

His smile vanished. "I guess," he said. He sighed. "I tried to ask her out once, and she laughed. Told me I was her aunt, so it would be weird if we dated." 

"Oh," I said, trying to sound disappointed for him, even though I understood Zaylor completely. I mean, I wouldn't want my nephew asking me out. 

"I guess she don't know that your godly side doesn't count unless you have the same godly parent," he continued. 

I was confused. "What do you mean?" I asked. 

"Because our godly sides can get and are way too complicated, it just doesn't count." He laughed and rubbed his neck. "I know it sounds confusing, and I'm not very good at explaining to make it better, but, for example, if I wanted to date Zaylor, it would be okay, but if I wanted to date Summer, it would not be okay because we have the same dad." 

I nodded. "So, like, I could date you and our godly sides wouldn't count?" 

"Yep," he replied. When I gave him a confused look, he continued, "Yes, you could date me and our godly sides wouldn't count." 


We both looked over and saw Zaylor, wide awake and looking back and forth between Jace and me. 

"You guys like each other?" she asked, a stupid grin on her face. 

Jace looked horrified. "How long have you been listening?" he asked. 

"The first thing I heard was Eryn asking if she could date you without it being weird." 

We tried to stop her. "Oh, no, we-" 

"No, no," she said still smiling. She leaned back. "Don't let me get in the middle of it. I'll mind my own business, keep my space." With that stupid grin still on her face, she pulled up a magazine and started "reading" it. 

I looked over at poor Jace. He was crushed. 

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