Chapter 9-Sydney

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Rachel Eilzabeth and I walked inside the Big House to the game room for a cabin counsler meeting.

"Alright," Rachel Elizabeth said, causing everyone to quiet down and turn their attention to her. "I think the only cabin counslers not here are the one's on quests. So, it's your responsibility to make sure every camper is calm." She scanned the faces of the crowd.

"Rachel," I whispered. "Where's Chiron?"

Rachel Elizabeth sighed. "Chiron is missing."

There was a shocked gasp in the room as counslers started talking to eachother about the matter.

"Hey!" Rachel Elizabeth shouted to get them to quiet down again. "I called you all here because I know I can trust you to keep calm," she said. "We have to at least pretend to be calm so that we don't freak out the other campers. Is that clear?"

Everyone nodded.

"Good," she said. "I will decide on my own when we should tell the whole camp. For now, just act normal and pretend like everything is how it normally is. And remember, whatever's said in this room stays in this room. You're all dismissed to dinner."

Campers got up and walked out of the Big House. I waited until everyone left to talk to Rachel Elizabeth alone.

"Sydney, can I help you?" she asked. She was obviously stressed out.

"Rachel, have you given anyone a quest to find Chiron?" I asked.

She shook her head. "No, I-I don't know what to do."

I put my hand on her shoulder. "Rachel, if you need help, just ask, okay?"

"Actually," she said, "I need you to make up a lie to tell the camp during announcements. I won't go to dinner, so just say something about how Chiron had to help me with something and it's taking a long time."

"Okay," I said. "Are you sure?"

"I'm not sure about anything right now," she said, sitting down on a stool.

I sighed. "It'll be okay," I said. "I'll come up with something." I thought for a second. "Do you want anyone else to help you?"

She shook her head no. "I-I'm gonna go lay down for a bit," she said. "Good luck, Sydney," she said. She walked out the door, leavig me alone in the game room.

I sighed. Rachel Elizabeth is counting on me, I can't let her down.

I walked out the front door of the Big House just in time to hear the horn blow for dinner.

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