Chapter 26 - Eryn

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It had taken a lot of energy for Zaylor to shadow travel all seven of us, so by the time we arrived she was just drained. We ended up sitting on and against rocks in the shade near the Hollywood sign while we gave Zaylor some time to rest. 

Jace was real big on making sure she had enough shade, a comfortable enough place to sit, food and water if she needed it. 

"Dude," she finally said, "It's not like I'm dying." 

She actually ended up falling asleep, leaving the six of us, sitting together, to watch over her. 

"Ugh, I'm bored," Summer complained after throwing her fifth rock down the mountain side into the forestry. "Let's play a game," she suggested. 

"Okay," Ryker, clearly intrigued and competitive, said, "What should we play?" 

Summer gave us a mischievous smile. "Spill the beans," she suggested. "But everyone has to play, and everyone has to be completely honest." 

As we were all bored, we all agreed. 

"Okay," Summer said, "We'll start with Sydney." We all looked at Sydney, who looked a little helpless. Summer smiled, suppressing a laugh. "Did you enjoy being a satyr?" 

Sydney turned red as she laughed. "Oh, heck no," she said, "I mean, have any of you ever heard of a girl satyr?" 

Almost everyone laughed. 

"Now you get to ask the next person," Summer explained. 

Sydney smirked. "Summer," she said, "Have you ever been beaten by a girl?"

Jace and Ryker oohed, like she had been roasted or something. 

"Only one," Summer admitted, "Skipper LeAnn." 

"Shoulda known," Ryker said, "That girl is tough." 

"Jace," Summer said after controlling her laugh. Of course she would pick on her brother. "Do you, like someone?" 

He turned a bright red, but he was not smiling. 

"Maybe," he said. 

"Ooooh!" Summer and Ryker teased while Sydney tried so hard to hold back her smile. 

"Who is it?" Summer prodded. 

"You only get to ask one question," he argued, still red. Jace then smirked. "Hey, Ryker." Ryker, still laughing, looked at him. "Do you like someone?" 

Now Ryker turned bright red and everyone laughed. 

"Yeah, so what," he said, embarrassed. Everyone laughed again. "Alright, Summer," he said, trying to change the subject, "Do you like anyone?" 

Everyone looked at Summer. 

"I do, actually," she said confidently, "But he's not here, so I don't care if you guys know about it." 

Sydney was just on one, laughing hysterically. Jace, Rachel, and I laughed, but I noticed Ryker turn a darker red. 

"Rachel," Summer said, turning everyone's attention to her, "What did you think of all of us when you first met us?"

Smiling, she thought for a second before saying, "Well, I thought you were all unique." 

Some of us laughed. 

"But now, I think you're all friendly and focused on finishing this quest, which is awesome," Rachel finished. 

"Your turn, Rachel," Jace said, clearly eager to continue the game. 

"Oh," she said hesitantly, "Well, I really don't have a question for anyone." 

"I've got one." 

We all turned our heads to see Zaylor, who was awake by now, sitting up against a rock with a mischievous grin on her face. "Jace," we all looked at Jace, "Out of the seven of us, who's your favorite?" 

He stopped for a minute, turning a little bit red. While we laughed, he thought for a second. Then, a smirk grew onto his face. 

"Out of the seven of us," he said smugly, "I am my favorite." 

We all laughed again, even Zaylor. 

"Now, I hate to be that guy," Zaylor cut in while the laughter was dying down, "But it's almost sunset, and, I don't know about you, but I do not want to go into the Underworld when it's dark."

"Me either," Sydney agreed as the others calmed their laughs, "Who knows what kind of monsters await down there."

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