Chapter 7-Zaylor

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~Twenty Minutes Before~

"I'm going to the Big House to ask Chiron about Sydney while we wait," I told Jace as Mickey and Eryn walked off to get a weapon.

"Oh, I'll come with you," Jace said. When I smirked at him, he quickly added, "Because, ah, Sydney was, er, is my friend too."

I laughed. "Sure."

Together we walked towards the Big House. On our way there, Lindsey Larsen walked up to us.

"Glad you're back, Zaylor," she said.

"Hey, Lindsey! Your hair rocks by the way."

"Thanks! I just added the highlights."

Last time I saw Lindsey, her hair was short and all blonde.
Since I left, she added rainbow colored highlights all throughout her hair.

"What are you up to?" I asked.

"Oh, uh, I'm meeting up with Ryker," she said.

"Cool," I said. "Ryker's cool."

"Well, I really have to go so I'll catch up with you later," Lindsey said.

"Alright, see ya later then," I said.

Lindsey waved as she ran off, and Jace and I continued on our way to the Big House. As we walked up to the porch, a green tinted elfish girl walked out. Although she was now a nymph instead of a sayter, I knew her from anywhere.

"Sydney!!!!??!!" I yelled in half excitement, half disbelief.

"ZAYLOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sydney screamed as she tackled me with a huge bear hug. "I've missed you SOOOOOOO much! Greece is so boring when you're there alone."

"Ha, I bet," I laughed as I hugged her back. "How'd you get back?"

"I'm not even sure," she said. "I just woke up in Thalia's tree."

"Ha, amazing," I said.

Sydney turned to Jace. "Jace, you're alright!"

"Well, someone doesn't think I'm invisable," he joked.

Sydney hugged him and laughed. She pulled away and turned to me again. "Oh, and guess what?" She guestured to herself. "I'm not a sayter anymore!"

"Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet!" I said. "And guess who's daughter you're lookin' at?" I paused for effect.

"It's gotta be Posiden," Sydney said.

"Let's just say my dad's her half brother," Jace said smirking.

Sydney looked suprised. "You're a daughter of Zeus?" she whispered.

"Uh, heck ya!" I said.

She hugged me again.

"Sydney!" I heard Mickey yell. I looked over in time to see her running over. When Mickey and Eryn caught up, Mickey hugged Sydney. "Where have you been?"

"Greece," Sydney responded pulling away. She looked at Eryn. "And you must be Eryn. I've heard a lot about you." She looked Eryn in the eye. "Tell me everything."

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