Chapter 20

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"Okay what's going on" Tommy said breaking me away from Sammy.  I laughed and looked up at Tommy and shrugged.

"He's my boyfriend isn't he?" I asked and Tommy's eyebrows furrowed.

"Nate broke up with her and we're making a bad decision to make him more upset" Sammy chuckled and Tommy laughed.

"Well he obviously broke my little sister's heart so go ahead" He laughed walking away.

"You know, even though I dated Nate, when you came to get me at the club I was first hoping you would talk to me" I laughed and Sammy smiled.

"Really?" He asked and I nodded.

"I mean you're hot" I laughed "So who wouldn't?" I laughed again.

"But then you met Nate" He said and I nodded.

"But now Nate's out of the way apparently" I sighed and Sammy grabbed under my chin to make me look up at him instead of the fire.

"Hey, don't think about it" He said and I nodded.

"But he's out of the way so..." I trailed off and Sammy laughed.

"I'm not going to be your rebound five minutes after this happened" He chuckled "Not now at least, let's just still pretend for now" He said and I nodded.

"Alright" I sighed.  "So now what?" I laughed and Sammy shrugged.

"I'm not sure, I didn't think you would go along with that plan" He laughed.  "So, I'm thinking of going blonde" He said after a few minutes of silence.

"How blonde?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Like my sister" He said.

"I don't know that might not look so good" I said and he shrugged.

"I guess we'll find out when I do it" He smiled and I rolled my eyes.

"I want a s'more" I groaned and Sammy laughed.

"I'll make you one" He said getting up and grabbing a marshmallow and cooking it over the fire and then putting the s'more together and handing it to me.  

"You're the best" I said taking a bite.

"Here's the catch" He said and I rolled my eyes. 

"Why didn't I figure there would be a catch" I laughed to myself.

"I get to eat it too" He said leaning forward and taking a big bite.

"That was like half of it!" I exclaimed and he chuckled.  I took another bite and wiped the little bit of chocolate he had on his face and then licked it off my finger.  "You don't get anymore" I said taking another bite.  I turned my head for a few seconds and I felt Sammy take the rest out of my hand.  I turned around just in time to see him stuff it in his mouth.  "Sam!" I yelled.  He got up and started running away.  I giggled as I got up off the chair and started chasing after him.

"You're never gonna catch me babe" He yelled over his shoulder.  I laughed as he started running through people while I ran around them, meeting him on the other side.  "I'm gonna get you though" He smirked as he saw me.  I squealed and started running the other way as Sammy now chased me.  I ran through the group Nate was hanging out with, which was my brothers and a few of their friends.  Sammy wrapped his arm around my waist as soon as we were out of the middle of that group and pulled me to his chest.

"Damn it!" I yelled as he pressed a kiss to my neck.  He turned me around and wrapped his arms around my waist as mine went around his neck.  "Is Nate watching us? I feel like someone's staring" I laughed since my back was to the group.  Sammy glanced up and nodded as he licked his lips.

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