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Chapter 2: Dr. Styles treatment
Macy's POV





After the bell dismissed, I grabbed my backpack and strung the strap over my shoulder. If I wanted to thank Harry, it was time I did it now. Turning to him, he smiles at me exposing a dimple I hadn't noticed before. "So Mandy," he leans against the table. "see something you like?"

I smile back. "You wish, Harold." His eyes darken at the name Harold.

"Don't call me Harold," he growls out. "Ever." Woah. What was his problem? He started it. Shooting me, freaking me, a glare he walks out of the class room in a heated way with his fingers curled in on his palm. Grabbing my bag, I nod once to Mr. Jerk and hurriedly race to catch up.

"Harry-" Something hard knocks into me from behind and I trip over my footing. My bag flies in the air, back landing in two strong arms. Looking up, my eyes meet that of green eyes. "Harry." He looks down at me, propping me up on my two feet with unease in his eyes. "Thanks."

Harry growls. "Stop. You are welcome. Now leave me alone, ok?" He starts to walk again, but I grab his hand and turn him around. His eyes lose the hardness, turning to that of vulnerability.

"I wanted to say thank you. For not telling the teacher that it was me who pushed your seat over; for that I think we got off on the wrong foot." Holding my hand out to him, he glances down at it then clasps our hands. Electricity fires up my arm and my bewildered gaze meets his. "Sorry. My fault."

He smiles at me. "Whatever, but sure I would love to be friends. We did get off on the wrong foot but now we're good, right?" I nod and he smiles again. I love that smile. I'd do anything to make him smile again and again. "What class do you have next?"

Scanning over my schedule I look at my second period class. "Uh History."

His eyes brighten up. "I have that, too. Lets go!" He bends down to pick up my bag and puts the strap on my shoulder. He leads me down the white hallway until we make it to the end where a room is located. "Come on, you can sit beside me."

Nodding, he leads me inside to where the back seat is located. How he got the back seat in this class also was beyond me. Setting my stuff down beside the chair, I sit and watch as Harry pulls out another sucker. "How many of those do you have-"

"Good morning students!" My attention bursts up from Harry's sweet lips to the old aged teacher. She had straggly white hair with brown eyes. "Today we have a new student and a project. So go ahead and pick your partner while I speak to her." The teacher walks my way and I smile falsely. "Hello dear, I'm Mrs. Lou, you'll get into the swing of things soon. Until then just pay attention and we are good. Harry," she looks at Harry. "Tell her about this project."

Harry nods while she walks off. He turns his full attention to me. "Okay. So this project is based upon doing something that has happened in the past to America, and creating a model of what happened. For example, the Twin Towers." He nods in the direction to where kids were building twin towers. "We could make that but I was thinking the Titanic, you know? We can build a boat from wood, since I do love making wood art, and we can add water to the base."

Frowning I grab a piece of paper and start to draw the Titanic. "You can make it like this, right?"


Harry's POV

That was the best drawing I had ever seen of a boat. I think it is safe to say I would do anything for this girl. Physically, mentally, and verbally. If it was possible. Looking at the way the lines were perfectly in tact, I start to wonder if maybe she could draw something for me. Shaking my head I pick up the piece of paper.

"I'll see what I can do." Although I already knew I could do it. Macy smiles at me, her dark straight hair cascading down her shoulders like a river. Her blue eyes were like perfect skies; her lips making me want a try of that obvious chapstick.

She claps her hands excitedly, pushing her hair back. It looked so silky. Would it be weird if I reached out and grab a handful of it? "Harry did you hear anything I just said?" she snapped at me.

Jumping out of my skin, I stare up at her furious face. "Sorry baby, I was zoning out. I just want to," I bring my lips to the shell of her ear. "Give your pretty body some Dr. Styles treatment."

Her face turned a dark crimson to the point I couldn't keep the smile off my face. I knew I had an effect on her. I had one from her as well. "Lets just- just get back to the-the project," she says unsurely. I watch her stare down at the paper, biting down on her bottom lip in concentration while she wets her lips every few seconds with her tongue.

I notice a strand get loose and before I can even think, I push the dark strand back. Her body freezes up and she looks up at me with a light pink tint on her pale cheek bones. I felt sparks as I continued to push the strand behind her ear. She let out a gasp when my finger tip gently touched her cheek and I pulled back.

Shouldn't have done that. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I can't love. I can only lust upon the female species. I wouldn't make her crave the hunger of lust that I craved, she was too perfect. Like a lamb. Pulling out a Dum Dum sucker, I vigorously suck on it. They always found a way to calm me down. Especially since I had low blood sugar.

I catch Macy looking at me from the corner of my eye and I wave. She rolls her eyes and looks down. Macy, you own me.

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