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Chapter 8: Pick Locking is Easy

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Macy's POV





Bundling myself up in the warmest clothes I had in my room, and closet, I head down the stairs two at a time and jump on my bike. My dad was using our truck so this was the next best thing aside from walking to school. Especially in the winter.

Pedaling as fast as I can go, I look down at my watch where it says the time is 11:50. I had a few minutes to get there before he would surely leave. Pedaling faster, I get a view of the school and I mentally do a happy dance. Hiding my bike behind a tree I pull my hat tighter to my head and jog over to where a figure stands, laying under the stars beside the school pond.

"Harry?" I whisper in the dark.

He makes a noise to let me know where he is. Heading towards the sound, I bump into someone and begin to scream until Harry slaps his hand over my mouth. "Relax. It's just me! Do you want us caught?" I lick his hand causing him to move back with a frown. "Ew. Cooties!"

"Next time don't try to scare me." I watch him pull out hand sanitizer, slathering it on his hands in a fast pace.

I impatiently tap my foot till he puts it back in his pocket. "I wanted to apologize," he says. I stare at him to continue. "I'm sorry about everything, Mace." I liked the nickname. "I didn't know Scarlett would be there or I would have never brought you."

"So you admit to dating her?" My heart sank at the thought. The only reason anybody would date someone like that would be for... Oh my. Tears spring to my eyes and a frightened Harry pulls me to his chest.

"Whatever's going on through that pretty head of yours needs to tame itself." I chuckle at him, pushing him back to wipe my eyes.

I slowly ask, "Are you a virgin?"

Harry exhales slowly pulling out a Dum Dum sucker he vigorously sucks and bites on. "Unfortunately yes I am."

I find myself asking him another question. "What's your story?"

He bites through the sucker, hard, then throws the white stick on the ground. I arch a brow. Not only was that littering but very rude. Janitors have to pick that up, ya know? I intently stare at him until he shrugs in discomfort. I nod to the stick then to him. Harry sighs but picks it up and puts the trash in his pocket.

"Well it's definitely bitter sweet." 

"How so?"

He sighs, running a hand through his curls. "I don't let many people in, Macy. I'm not just going to tell you everything about me. Maybe some day, but right now we really don't need to. Now follow me." He grabs my hand gently, leading me away from the grassy area to across the street where the school was. I pull my hand from his grasp.

"Are you insane?" I watch him pull out a bobby pin and glide it inside of the lock. My eyes widen and I try my best to get it from him. "Dang it Harry! Come on! We need to go!" He ignores me, continuing his pick locking until the door unlocks with a click.

Harry looks over at me and to the door. "Open says me! Or Eureka!" Then he walks through the door. Through the glass he gives me a thumbs up, and ushers me with his hand to come. I guess somebody better take care of this Dum Dum... Get it? Dum Dum suckers...

Opening the door, Harry does a happy dance before leading me through the next set of doors. He pulls out a different bobby pin with a Cheshire grin then plunges it inside of the key holder. He presses his ear up against the door knob and I giggle to myself. After a few minutes of this, the doors lock clicks open.

"Lets go!" Harry grabs my hand, leading me out of the set of doors into the dark hallway. Schools actually looked scary at night time.

"Why are we here?" I whisper to Harry.

He sighs, turning back to me. "Ok so maybe I got a B+ on my math test, and maybe I now want to prank the heck out of him for doing that to me! I earned at least an A-!" My mouth gapes in shock. He glances at me, then backtracks before laughing. He puts his thumb and forefinger under the underside of my jaw and closes my mouth. "You'll catch flies, sweetie."

I shove him away and he laughs. "Whatever. I'll help I guess. What are we pranking him with?"

Harry holds up a bag. "This is full of things that he hates! We've got a snake, some spiders, and cockroaches... I used to have miller bugs but I have no idea where those went." Harry shrugs and places the bag back on his shoulder.

"You have snakes in that bag? Did you check if they were poisonous?" I start pacing the floor. What if they kill our teacher? What if they bite him? What's going to happen to us? Was Harry crazy?

He places his hands in front of himself. "Calm down, women. They are garden snakes. And it isn't plural. There's only one in here, see." He holds the bag out to me with a flash light hanging over it.

I look down in the bag and my blood runs cold. "Harry..." He sighs, looking over at me clearly annoyed.


"There's not a snake in there." Harry's eyes widen as he frantically searches through the bag. "We better go," I start to say while turning whenever Harry stops me with his hand.

"We are putting the cockroaches and spiders in his class room, alright? Stay." Nodding, a relieved smile marks his face. "Follow me." We walk down the school hallway until we make it to where his classroom is left. To be honest, I hated this teacher anyways. He was the one who I started calling Mr. Jerk since my first day of school he made me go to the board, so now he always calls on me even when my hand isn't in the air.

Harry gives me a smile then picks the lock faster than ever. Opening the door, he sets the bag down with a cautious look to me. "When I say run, run." I nod in understanding and watch him slowly unzip the bag before dumping it all on the ground. The bugs scramble on the ground, rushing to darker spots before Harry slams the door shut. "Run!"

We run down the hallway and go through the doors, locking them into place. We head to my bike. "I can feel my heart beating out of my chest," I say, my hands shaking in nerves.

"That," he tilts my head up to kiss my forehead. "Is how you should feel your whole life around me."

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