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Chapter 12: Ride A Bike

Macy's POV





I stared out at the lake, trying to decide if I wanted to swim or not. I've always been afraid of drowning so I had never swam before. There was so many things I feared and today I was conquering it all. Yesterday I had almost seen the light after being knocked out, and I wanted to do everything before I died.

There's so much on my list.

Taking a deep breath, I take my clothes off and stand knee deep in the water. #1: Skinny Dip. I wasn't one to do things that most of the teens did but if I can take a bath naked, isn't it all the same? I push off from the bank and let the cool water take its toll through my skin. It felt nice. Staring up at the moon lit sky, I wonder just how many stars there were.

My teeth start chattering against one another, goose bumps raising against my skin. I was so tempted to exit the water but if I did I wouldn't have conquered the fear. With a deep breath, I plunge my head under water and let the icy water float around my chilled flesh. Gasping, I head upwards to cough up some of the lake water then move arms around in circles.

This wasn't near as bad as I thought. In fact, it was fun. Plunging back under the water, I push off deeper into the muddy darkness.

  After doing that, I get out of the water and put my clothes on. Just when I'm about to leave a voice stops me.

"Wasn't expecting to see you here."

Whirling around, a very amused Harry leans against a tree with his arms wrapped around himself. "Uh-Uh, did you see that?"

Harry grins, his curly locks blowing from the wind. "See what? You get completely nude and go in the water?"

I blush deeply, pulling my jacket closer to me while sucking my bottom lip in between my teeth. "Yea, um, that."

Harry chuckles, walking towards me. "So why are you out here all alone?"

I shrug. "I've made a list of things to accomplish before I die."

His brows knit together. "Let me see it." He holds his hand out for the slip of paper and I hesitantly hand it to him. He scans over the sheet rapidly with deep concentration. "Ride a roller-coaster. Go to a party. Let Sarry Htyles sign your poster. This is some deep stuff."

I hit his arm as he laughs. "Oh please. What would you like to do before you die then, hmm?" Harry thinks for a moment and I can't help but stare.

"Learn to ride a bike," he says after minutes of silence.

My eyes widen. "You've never learned how?" Harry shakes his head with a shrug. "I could teach you," I blurt out. I slap a hand over my mouth. "I mean if you want me to," I drift off.

Harry grins. "Yea! That'd be awesome."

I turn around to where my bike was perked up against a tree. "We can do it now. I rode my bicycle down here-"

"I'm nervous," Harry interrupts me. I watch him pull out a Dum Dum sucker with shaky hands and plop it in his mouth. He pops the stick out to speak. "I never had parents show me how to do kid stuff."

I grab Harrys hand and pull him to the bike. "It's not that difficult. Put your legs on either side of the seat." He does as instructed. "Now, place one leg- preferably the leg you are most comfortable with- and place it here." I point to the pink petal and he laughs. "Now place your hands," he puts his hands on top of mine and I look up to where he stares at me.

Tingles shoot from his hands inside of mine; his skin warm. "Did I put it right?" he whispers.

My lips part and I nod as cool air escapes past my parted lips. "Yes." I breathe out. Harry gently removes his hands to let me move. I clear my throat awkwardly and step back. "Now be sure to push off or you will tumble to the side. Be balanced."

He takes a deep breath and pushes off. I watch him ride around with a happy smile on his face, waving at me with a grin. "Look! No hands-" Harry removes his hands from the handle bars and ends up falling to the ground. The bike falls on top of him and I hurriedly race to him trying to keep the smile off my face.


I burst into a fit of laughter as I notice a skid mark in the dirt. "HAHAH!" I point at him while snapping a photo of his distraught face. "You look like an idiot!"

Harry lets out a groan, shaking his head to where dirt shakes out. I laugh harder while he rolls his eyes. "Mandy," he shakes his head some more. "it wasn't that funny."

I grin, ignoring his Mandy statement. "Oh yes it was!"

He sighs, patting his hands off on his jeans to knock the dirt out and sets my bike back up against the tree. "You should probably go home," Harry says slowly.

I frown. "Do you want me to?"

Harry shakes his head. "No, but I'd rather you not get hit by your dad if he beats me up." I cringe at the thought and Harry frowns. "I'm sorry I didn't mean," he sighs, letting his sentence disappear from his lips.

I shake my head. "It's ok." I smile reassuringly at him but the thoughts of my dad beating me up continues to repeat in my mind and I can't help thinking it. Staring up at Harry, he gently takes my hand in his and pulls me to his chest. I hadn't realized I was crying until I pulled away from him; his black sweater darker in spots from the tears. "Sorry I got tears on you," I choke out.

Harry throws his head back in laughter. "That's what your worried about? Ruining my jacket? I could care less."

I roll my eyes and gently shove at his shoulder. "Will you stay out here with me? We could swim if you'd like."

Harry thinks for a moment then nods. "I guess but I don't have a swim suit." He winks at me and I shake my head in annoyance. "I'll wear my clothes, you?"

"I'm wearing my clothes." I state, heading to the lake. Harry lets out a snort then jumps into the water. I place my whole body in. At first it was ice cold but soon after it becomes pleasant. The dark sky above hides the view of Harry and I start to panic. "Harry?" I haven't heard him speak since I jumped in. "Harry?" I repeat, eyes wide.

Arms wrap around me from behind and a scream bubbled from my lips only for a hand to be placed over my mouth. "Calm down, baby." Harry's lips gently touch my cool and wet ear. "It's just me." He wraps his arms around me tighter, pulling me to his chest. His steady heart beat had my racing heart calming down within seconds.

Taking a deep breath, Harry picks me up and lets my legs wrap around his waist. "What are you..."

Harry's lips travel up my neck, causing warmth to spread from his touch to my neck. A gasp flits from my now parted lips. "Don't speak."

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