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Chapter 15: Wittle Kitty

Macy's POV





Harry, like the gentle man he denies, opens my door with a huge grin. "Now you can meet Molly!" He hoists me down and takes my backpack in his hands. Carrying it inside, I look at how marvelous everything was. The walls were solid black, the furniture white with black fuzzy pillows, and the sinks island table marble black with little white splatters of color inside.

It was neat.

I look around for Harry when he comes out from downstairs holding a cat snuggly to his chest. "It's my wittle kitty. Whose a good girl?" Harry made cute baby voices and I started laughing. Harry's face goes bright pink. "I thought you were outside."

"Well after that performance, I'm glad I came in." I started laughing again causing his face to brighten in pink color.

"W-Whatever. Never speak of this and I won't speak of your skinny dipping."

I blush. "Agreed. Now give me her." I hold my hands out and Harry hesitantly gives it. The cat gently purrs in my hands as I sit on the couch. Her fur was soft; white and gold. Gently stroking her back, she lets out a little meow. Her eyes looked up at me and they were bright green with an oval black pupil. "She's so cute."

"Isn't she?" Startled at the voice being so close to my ear, Harry's leaning over the couch watching Molly's movements. "She's the last thing I have."

"How so?" I ask.

Harry sighs. "When I was younger my mum hated me. Abused me even." Tears streamed down his face and I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him towards me.

"It's ok. You don't have to keep going."

He shakes his head, clearing his eyes. "No I'm finishing. Anyways as you know my dad- Mr. Lerman- divorced my mum. She was battered in hate towards me, towards Logan, towards my dad. He even changed his name to Lerman just to be sure no one knew he had had me." Harry grimaces. "So finally I left my mum in London and came here. Bought a cat, got Mr. Lerman to buy me a mansion, and now here I am. Bitter and lonely."

I gasp. "Harry you are not alone. You have me. You have the cat."

He sighs. "I may not be having the cat much longer."

"Why not?"

Harry sniffles, snorting back up the snot. "She's really old. As in twelve years old," Harry whispers. I pull him to me and pepper kisses on his warm neck.

I gently push him back against the couch and head to the kitchen. Grabbing chocolate, milk, and marshmallows I make Harry some hot chocolate. Every few seconds I watch Harry kiss his cat, on the lips, with a now permanent smile on his face. "Does Molly want her tummy petted?" I start laughing, placing my hand over my mouth I bite down on my finger.

Although we had just had a conversation that was serious, he changed that pretty quick just by using baby talk. Smiling to myself as I hear him continue his baby talk, I wonder if we ever had kids how they'd look like. Thinking this, I drop the hot cocoa on the ground. The glass shatters on the floor and Harry hurriedly rushes to my aid.

"Macy what's wrong?"

I smile to myself at the thought of kids with Harry. "Just a really cute thought."

Harry blushes. "Was it me?"

I roll my eyes. "No. It was about kids..." I trail off.

He looks taken aback. "On having them or making them? The second one is fun; the first option not." I chuckle, hitting his arm playfully.

"Just on how they'd look."

"Oh." Understanding dawns on Harry's face and he leads me to the couch. "Well they'd have your personality." He gently brushes back my hair. "They'd have my amazing abs- male of course." I roll my eyes. "They'd... they'd have your amazing blue eyes that light up the room," he whispers, his breath smelling of sweet candy in my face. "They'd get into lots of trouble but we'd still love them. They'd have your amazing fun filled laugh along with those lips that I have always loved the taste of." Harry's lips are inches from mine. "And they'd have nothing of mine."

"Why's that?" I whisper.

Harry smiles. "Cause you have all of the sexy genes." Ok moment over. Pulling back, I watch him fake pout. "C'mon baby, I was sweet at first but that crap is stupid as f*ck. Now come here so I can kiss your lips senseless."

I cross my arms over my chest. "No. A while ago you were making out with your cat. My lips aren't going anywhere near that."

Harry blushes. "I wasn't making out. I was giving her kisses." He pouts his ruby red bottom lip, furrowing his dark brows together.

"Some really well practiced kisses then cause they were on her lips."

He sighs. "Fine I'll wash the pussy out of my mouth."

"Really? You are disgusting."

Harry shrugs. "Bothering's the rules; hitting Mandy in the bootie is the game."

"That don't even make sense-" Harry slaps my bootie- hard- and starts running while laughing like a little kid.

"YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME!" Harry shouts at the top of the stairs. I fake like I care.

"Oh no, come back." I wiggle my wrist towards him and turn on the t.v. Molly meows and climbs onto my lap, snuggling her head in on my thigh. I soothingly petted her perfectly groomed fur and waited for Harry to stop running around like an idiot.

'Up Next is an interview with Sarry Hytles himself.'  I fangirl all over the place. One Direction was my life. Being absolutely quiet, I listen as Sarry Hytles begins speaking.

"I've always had a thing for music," and I've always had a thing for your accent I think to myself. "I used to be in a band called The White Eskimos and then got on Britain's Got Talent. I honestly had thought I'd never make it. This is a dream come true."

"Do you have any siblings?" The reporter asks.

Sarry nods. "My older sister, Gemma Htyles." The reporter continues asking questions as I intently listen. "I don't have anymore, no."

Harry strolls down the stairs. "Ew why're you watching this?"

I clamp my hand over his mouth and listen to what the reporter asks next.

"Whose your crush at the moment?"

Sarry shrugs. "Nobody really."

Harry snorts. "The guy's a bad liar."

I push Harry on the couch and smother his face with the pillow. "Hush!" I listen as Sarry continues talking until the power goes out. I scream.

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