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Chapter 39: Good -Bye

Macy's POV






I knew I was going to have to break up with Harry, and by doing so my heart would be torn straight from my chest. Taking deep ragged breaths, footsteps approach me from behind. Knowing it was Harry without a doubt, I wait for him to speak.



Turning around to Harry's pinched up expression, I stand to my feet. "This isn't easy for me to say," I whisper, wiping my eyes.

He frowns, stepping towards me. "Whatever it is, we'll get through it together," he promises.

I shake my head, my gaze falling to the ground. "I-I'm moving Harry." His heart shaped lips part, eyes scanning my face for any sign of a lie.

"You can't be serious." He throws his hands up. "No, no! Dang it Macy! You are my air; the thing that keeps me whole. You can't leave," he gasps out, tears filling his eyes. "Please stay."

Tears roll down my cheeks. "I don't have a ch-choice," I gasp out.

He curses, running his hands through his curls. An action I've seen many times done, but for some reason never got tired of. "What are we going to do?" he demands.

I take a deep breath, heart cracking like glass. "I'm doing the only thing I can. I'm setting you free," I whisper out. Harry's brows draw together, a big cute brown line. He shakes his head but doesn't say anything. He knew I was right. Long distant relationships don't work. "Good bye Harry." Pulling him in for a hug, I look past his shoulder.

The world was horrible for bringing soul mates together only to tare them viciously apart. Letting the tears fall, Harry lets out a choked sob. "I'm going to miss you so much," he chokes out. He tangles his fingers through my hair, kissing the top of my head. "I love you Macy. I always have. Always will." Parting ways, I give Harry one last full look before walking back up to my truck.


Harry's POV

It wasn't just her leaving. She took a part of me with her. Staring at her now abandoned house, I put my hands in my pockets at the sight. It seemed so empty without her. Walking to my BMW, I hop inside and ride to my house in silence. Opening the door like a zombie, I'm greeted by my cat Hacy. That sharp pain breaks through at our used to be ship name.

Believe it or not, Macy left a scar on me. Never leaving yet always reminding me of what used to be. Picking up the cat, I sit down with her on my chest, petting her without really feeling anything. I was numb everywhere to the point that it was unstable. Staring up at the ceiling, I wish that this was all some cruel dream; not reality.

Closing my eyes, I try to imagine Macy being with me. When that fails, I place the cat on the ground and grab a beer. I haven't drank in a while, and right now I needed something to help me cope. Placing the beverage to my lips, I drink it until it's all gone. My eyes were fogged over as each step I took caused me to sway from the left to the right.

I could almost forget Macy wasn't here. Almost.


Macy's POV

Staring at the new house, I immediately scowl. This place was huge as in too huge. There was only three people here. "Why such a big house?" I whine to Parker.

He grins. "April's pregnant. You are going to be an older sister."

My eyes widen. "Great," I say with thick sarcasm. "Why don't you next tell me you have cancer or-or, are getting married to somebody else! It isn't like I don't have feelings!" Scowling at Parker, I grab two of my bags and head inside. Stomping up the stairs, I take the room to the right where Parker had told me my room was.

Slamming my door shut over dramatically, I throw my bags on the bed and sit on the bed. Scanning my phone for any messages, after seeing none which was strange, I set the phone down and scowl at the door. The ol stink eye made me feel a little better. Not that the door deserved my anger. Taking deep breaths over and over, I slowly unpack my belongings and place each one where I want it to be for the rest of my teen life.

Collapsing on the bed after that, I stare up at the ceiling wondering what Harry was doing at this moment. Probably nothing. Chuckling at the thought, April walks in. "Hi Macy. I just wanted to speak to you." Closing the door silently behind her, she gives me a hopeful smile.

Scooting to make room for her, she smiles. "What do you need?" I ask as nice as possible.

"I just wanted to talk to you. I know how it feels to love somebody. Heck, I love your dad very much." She smiles at the thought. She tucks my hair behind my ear, smiling. "So I just wanted to tell you it gets better. Believe it or not." She shrugs, her pretty blonde hair dancing around her shoulders. "Anyways, we are fixing to go out to eat so come on down." Standing, I notice her baby bump for the first time. "Come on."

"Wait," grabbing her wrist she looks at me expectantly. "is it a girl or boy?" I ask while biting my lower lip.

She grins like a proud mother. "They said it'd be a boy, but who knows? The date for him to arrive is October 12 so I can't wait." Patting my arm, she exits the room. One of these days I'd love April, I could already see things looking up.

"Macy!" My dad shouts at me from the bottom of the stairs.

Standing to my feet, I grab a jacket and walk down the stairs. "Coming!" I yell back while placing my jacket through the sleeves. Maybe right now I was heartbroken, but this was my family and my life. I was going to let my thoughts of Harry evaporate. Besides, I have college coming up this year and I needed to stay completely focused on school.

With or without Harry.


Writing this, I have a lump in my throat. I'm in pain.

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