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Chapter 7: Burnt Steak is... good?

Macy's POV




He hadn't been joking about eating it. Staring down the food on my plate, my stomach grumbles in fear at the mere thought of bringing that anywhere near my mouth. Setting my fork down, I look up from my down cast gaze and see where Logan engulfs the steak with a groan.

Logan notices me staring and winks. "What? Scared of a little burnt meat?" He wipes his mouth gently dabbing at his, as the Arkansas people say, 'perty' lips. "I wouldn't make you try something if I thought it would give you stomach problems or a bad potty break. Just try some ok?"

Sighing, the wind from my lips pushes my bangs away from my forehead. I'm a big girl. I can do this. Like how bad could it possibly be? At least it wasn't horse meat. Just a steak. Just a steak, I repeat to myself. Oh man. Steaks don't have charred outer edges though! Plugging my nose with my thumb and forefinger, I stab the meat and bring it to my lips.

The first thing I notice is that the meat is scrumptious. Then I notice I want more. Staring up at Logan in surprise he smiles at me, clearly pleased with my reaction. Hurriedly cutting the steak into smaller pieces, I devour each burnt hunk of meat until it is all finished.

Leaning back in my seat, I pat my stomach and smile at Logan. "That," I pick up my plate and put it in the sink. "was the best meal I have had since... Ever!" I exclaimed over my shoulder while washing my plate then Logan's.

Logan chuckles at my response. "Told you. Now you just need to try my black eggs. And I'm being serious when I say this, it is delicious! It may sound nasty, which yea it does, but they taste Heavenly!"

Snorting, I turn my attention back to him. "How is that you can make burnt substances taste so good?" I curiously ask with narrowed eyes.

He shrugs, leaning back in his chair with his arms behind his head. "What can I say? It's a gift."

For the rest of the evening we mainly watched my favorite t.v. show Awkward  before it was time for him to leave. "Do you have to?" I pout at him. He places his jacket on through his arm sleeves with a hint of a grin on his face. He must have liked that I didn't want him to leave.

"Unless you have company coming over, then yea I can stay. I just thought you wouldn't want me eating up all of your Fruit Roll Ups." He pulls out one of the many he had eaten and wraps it around his finger; a wink sent my way. "Which by the way," he grabs the entire box and shoves the snacks into his pockets. "Taste freaking wonderful! I'm taking them."

Rolling my eyes, I put my hand across my heart. "No! Alas I must kill myself for having you dare look or touch my Fruit Roll Ups."

"No, don't kill yourself my beautiful Maciette! This world will be destruction with out your perfect face here."

I put my hand on my forehead. "I fear I'm going to faint, Lomeo! Please..." I fall on the ground as Logan narrates my fake death.

"And with that, Lomeo killed himself because he had lost his friend that was a girl, Maciette." Logan falls on the ground beside me as I open my eyes. He stares at me as a shocked noise escapes his lips before pretending to die. "Ah Romeo and Juliette. I love roll play."

Opening my eyes, I chuckle at him. "Same." An idea pops into my mind. "Wait a second, there's a play going on at school. Maybe we could sign up to it together, ya know? Would you want to?" I ask really excitedly.

Logan smiles warmly, brushing my strand hairs back from my face to behind my ear. "I wouldn't miss it for the world. But what will the play be about?"

I think for a moment. Yea not even I knew what it was. I had been wanting to be in Drama, but I was trying to take as many writing classes as I possibly could to live my dream of being a professional New York Times Bestelling Author. I could already see my full name up on big screens around the world for best movie that all started from a book.

"I don't know, really." I snap myself out of my thoughts with those words and Logan nods.

"I'll ask my dad about it, but since I hadn't joined it I may not be able to get into that class. Will just have to see. I don't want the students to think my dad is playing favorites or anything, ya know?"

I nod and Logan puts an easy smile on his face. His phone dings. Pulling it out, he reads over the message with a frown puckered between his dark brows. "It's my dad-"

"You can go. It's fine." Logan looks at me; unsure. Rolling my eyes I gently push him to the door. "Go on. I'm not going to be committing suicide or anything, alright?" It wasn't a joking matter. My mom had committed suicide all because of my dad. I was quite sensitive to the topic.

Logan opens the door slowly, but stops to turn my way. "When's your dad getting home?"

My fake smile faltered before he could notice. "Tomorrow." Of course I was lying. Logan narrowed his eyes, but didn't push the subject any further. Walking down the steps, backwards, he keeps his icy blue eyes trained into mine then heads to his white truck.

Opening the door he calls over his shoulder, "I'm picking you up tomorrow for school!" Before hopping in the truck.

Putting a thumbs up in the air to let him know I heard him, I wrap the jacket around my small frame. "Be safe," I whispered to myself as he pulls out of my driveway to the enter state. Walking back inside, I head up to my room and decide I better clean it. I wasn't one to just clean my room, but since I couldn't really sleep, why not?

Picking up my toys, I find one of the many roses from Harry with a card that reads:

'Meet me at the garden beside the school on July ninth at 12:00. Bring warm clothing.' xoxo- H

That was tonight. And the funny thing was, I was going to go.

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