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#glitterpuke weiner- I mean winner :] ((EDITED))

So this chappie is by none other than HarryStylesManip whom you need to follow! Congrats on winning. Thank you all for participating, it means a lot. And you deserve it... always worth it... girl you earned it... I'm off track now.

Vote and I present to you.... Lollipop (ONE SHOT) Ending!


Macy's POV

I pout, giving Harry my best puppy dog face. "Please! I want to see him!"

He huffs, folding his arms over his chest. "But what if he tries-"

I roll my eyes, placing a quick kiss on his soft lips. "I got you and that's all I need," I whisper.

A large lopsided grin appears on his face as he stares down at me. I laughed out loud, memorizing every little detail. His dimples, his eyes, his curly locks.

His smile.

Harry started the car and pulled away and with each tree that passed by, I felt my heart speed up. I glanced over at Harry who still had a lollipop in his mouth. I reached over pulling his right hand from the steering wheel, lacing my fingers with his. I rubbed small circles into his skin, tracing his knuckles.

"You remember when... Me and Logan, and you and Mrs. Tickles went on a double date to the movies?" I laughed at the memory of him and the purple giraffe. I glanced over at Harry again, who was replacing his sucker with a new one, a small smile on his face.

"Were you jealous of her?" he asks a smirk on his face.

"Oh yeah.." I reply, "but whatever happened to her?"

"She had a terrible fate.." he whispered dramatically. "It seems Hacy found her.. and.. I tried to get her back but Hacy wouldn't have it!" I laughed, throwing my head back at the image of Harry trying to get Mrs. Tickles from Hacy. He glances over at me pouting. "That's where I got this." He unlaces our hands showing me a small scratch resting on his thumb.

I chuckle, putting my hand back in his. Instead of looking out the window I stared at him, trying to take him all in. His strong jawline, with his perfect plump pink cupid bow lips. Along with his cute button nose, and my favorite right dimple. And lets not forget about his dark locks that framed his face perfectly.

"You're drooling Mandy." Instantly my fingers touched my mouth. He laughs, setting my cheeks on fire. I pushed him playfully and tried to glare but couldn't.

"Liar," I spoke.

"I am, but you love me." He smiled at me knowingly. I did and I needed to tell him.

"You know Harry," He glanced over at me as he turned left, "I think the first time I fell in love with you was-," The BMW pulled off to the side, and before I knew it Harry had his lips on mine. There was the same familiar sparks between our lips as they moved in sync. I brought my hands up and ran my hands through his hair, tugging slightly.

My heart was beating rapidly with each movement, and I couldn't get enough. He pulled away slowly, but kept his eyes closed as he rested his forehead on mine. We were both heaving, as a large breathtaking grin appeared on his face. I could do nothing but grin back.

"You love me?" he whispered slowly.

"Of course dumb dumb." He pushed his lips on mine again, but this time the kiss was slow, soft; instead of rough. It was compassionate.

We pull away, staring into each others eyes. Harry smiles adoringly at me as he reaches into his pocket, slowly revealing a blueberry flavored lollipop. He hesitantly hands it to me, his eyes never leaving mine.

"For you," he whispered.

I felt my face redden and my eyes tear up. Such a small simple gift, but it meant so much. "Thank you," I reply softly, grabbing the Dum Dum sucker.

"I'll stay out here. You go ahead and see Logan." He nods toward the building behind us; and it was then I realized we were here. With a peck on the cheek I darted up to the old building, my heart threatening to burst from my chest. With each step I took closer and closer to Logan. It had been awhile since I had saw him, and I wanted to know how he was doing.

The nurse stops outside of the door nodding toward it, "He has been waiting for you." She smiles a little before walking away. My hand grasps the door, turning it slowly, the metal barriers moving away. It was like a prison. I slowly stepped in, my eyes roaming over what little of a room it was.

There was nothing more than a mattress in the corner, a couple of chairs and a small table, and a

dresser. No tv, no entertainment. I felt my heart shatter. Poor Logan, you would think; considering, he had money he'd have everything he'd want.

"Logan?" I whisper, carefully placing my steps, across the creaky wooden floors. Something stirs in the corner, the bed sheets moving slightly. I freeze. "Logan is that you?"

The bed sheets move more frantically now, as if someone where trapped inside. My eyes widened in fear.

"A little help?" A voice spoke, clear agitation in his voice. I chuckle to myself, with one pull I yank the covers away. There sat a older version of Logan. His blue eyes, duller than they used to be, his used-to be short hair, was grown out, some falling in his eyes. A five o'clock shadow resting on his face.

He was handsome, I'll give him that, but he was different. His once bright blue eyes, had lost their brightness.

"Hey," I whisper softly, sitting down beside him.

"I've missed you so much!" he says grinning like a fool. I giggle, hugging him. Silence over took us as we continued to hug.

He pulled away clearing his throat, "How's everything going... You still with Harry?" he asked cautiously. I nod, smiling at the goofball who was no doubt in his BMW worrying about me.

"He is sweet!" I say admiringly. I couldn't hide the adoration in my voice.

"Bitterly sweet yes," Logan mumbles. I laugh, removing the wrapper from the lollipop, popping the blueberry goodness in to my mouth.



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