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Chapter 35: High School Musical

~Cruise 2/2~

Macy's POV





"Harry," I whine. "Hurry up!" He snorts, slowly removing my blindfold. "Finally-" my words drift off into oblivion as I stare at the sight before me. A dining room, empty of people, with a table in the middle of a black marble floor stood in the room. Biting my lower lip, I slowly walk towards the table. Two candles were propped in the middle of the table with a little bouquet of Dum Dum suckers and lollipops with a glorious pink tulip in the middle.

Laughing through a joy tear, I pick up the card. We are all suckers- H. The note reads. Chuckling, Harry blushes. Pulling my chair out for me, he scoots me in. "I hope you like it," he says, kissing my temple. Smiling, I nod approvingly. This was beautiful.

"When will the food get here?" I ask, hearing my stomach growl.

Harry laughs. "Right now." He claps his hands and immediately somebody comes in with a trey of food. Crab legs were placed in front of me and I greedily begin cracking the leg. Placing the yummy substance in my mouth, Harry intently watches me.

"The fudge you looking at?" I question, arching a brow.

Harry laughs, eyes crinkling in the corners. "You're beautiful, you know that?"

Swallowing hard, I look down at where my soda sat. To avoid anymore awkward conversations, I take a long sip of the Pepsi. Setting the glass down, Harry gently places his hand on mine. "Want to dance?" he asks.

I nod, letting him lead me on the ground. "Remember, I don't know how to dance," I warn.

He smirks. "That just means I get to be the leader." Taking my hand, he picks me up and places my feet on his. Looking down at where my feet stand on his, I can't keep the grin off my face. "Take my hand, take a breath-"

I freeze. "Are you singing High School Musical?"

Harry blushes, rubbing the back of his neck. "Dang it. You've watched that?"

I laugh. "Yea. Go ahead. Sing it to me. It's cute."

Placing his hands in mine, he begins singing in my ear as he spins. "Take my hand, take a breath. Hold me close, and take one step. Keep your eyes locked on mine. And let the music be your guide. Wont you promise me, that you'll never forget to dance wherever we go next. It's like catching lightning chances of finding someone like you. It's one in a million chances of feeling the way we do. And with every step we take together, we just keep on getting better. So can I have this dance?"

He muzzles his face into my neck, kissing me. Staring up at the ceiling, I knew that I loved Harry. This boy, this sweet boy, owned my heart. Nothing would ever break this bond. Logan was right.

He picks up the speed by placing his hands on my waist, before he ducks me down and flips me back up. Wrapping me up in his arms, he spins me outwards than yanks me towards his warm and inviting body. His forehead rests against mine, breaths mixing in with one another.

"Kiss me already," I whisper. "It'll be ok."

Harry brings his lips to mine. Scrunching up his hair in my hand, I let him pick me up and lead me around in circles with my legs up in the air. Tingles shoot through the kiss, heightening my senses of the reasons I loved Harry. Pulling back, he lets out a little growl. Straightening my red dress, I look at his choice of clothing.

Black tux.

He looked cute in it.

Holding my hand, Harry kissed the top of my hand gently. "I love you so much," he whispers under his breath.

I blush. "I-I love y-you too," I stammer out. Those expressive butterflies burned through my stomach at the touch of Harry.

He looks up at me, surprise etched into his face. "You love me?" he whispers.

I nod my head gently. "Yes."

He throws his arms around me, gently lifting me off the ground. "Lets dance again." He puts my hand in his and begins moving our feet in perfect rhythm. I guess there was some things life couldn't fix, but right now, with Harry, everything inside of me felt alive. Humming under his breath, I realize the tune being Stay The Same.

"Sing it for me," I command him.

He smiles. Brushing my hair back, he places his face into the crook of my neck. The tune starts off as the hard core song it was before he starts singing his- our- song. Grinning from ear to ear, I felt like the worlds most luckiest girl at the moment. I had Harry, Harry had me. He loved me, I loved him.


Harry's POV

Nibbling on Macy's flesh, I lead her back to the table. "Eat," I say in a deadpan voice.

Macy chuckles. "Say it nicely and I will."

"Fine. Please eat."

She grins. "Ok." I watch her crack the crab leg in half then devour the meat in a bite. Yanking it with her teeth, I decide I'd better eat as well. I was in fact a growing boy.

Pulling out my utensils, I crack the crab leg. "Sorry it wasn't something," I snap the bone, causing its bits to scatter. "clean instead of messy." I finish.

Macy shakes her head, eyes wide. "Nope, don't say that! I love crab legs. Had it been something else," she cracks the shell. "I probably wouldn't have eaten it."

Snorting, I continue eating. "You wouldn't mind walking around the boat deck with me alone would you?" I ask. "It'd finish off this date then we can go to bed."

Her brows furrow together in a cute line. "Isn't there a curfew?"

Time to tell her it's my boat. "Actually you see, I'm very rich so I own this boat."

The piece of crab meat she was holding fell from her hands in shock. "What?" She wipes her mouth, eyes still wide.

I laugh. "I own this boat," I repeat.

She shakes her head, standing up. "Take me then."

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