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Chapter 24: Invited to a party

Macy's POV





"Hey Macy." Turning to the sound of the voice, a very perky cheerleader named Abby who I had met in Drama stood with an awaiting grin. "So tonight there's a party at my house and I wanted to invite you. Interested?" Nodding my head she smiles. "Ok here." She hands me a paper. "That has my phone number, address, and house number."

Smiling at her she gives me one last wave before heading over to her cheer squad. Folding the paper up, I place it in my pocket and stare at the door. No I wasn't stalking Harry. What made you think that? So maybe I was watching the door for him to come thru. He told me he couldn't pick me up this morning so I had to ride the nasty and smelly bus. Fun.

Hopefully he'd be here.

A few seconds later dark skinny jeans, black boots, and a white V-neck shirt comes into view. Harry. The sucker stick from his Dum Dum poked from in between his lips and I bite my bottom lip. I so badly wanted a taste. Harry turns to where I stand, a grin playing on his lips as he saunters over.

"I couldn't help but notice you staring, baby." He winks at me. "Sorry I couldn't pick you up."

I shrug. "It's no big deal. You aren't my baby sitter."

Harry laughs. "I sure hope not. What's this?" He reaches to where the pink note from Abby is in my pocket. "You got invited to a party?" he says in shock.

I scowl at him. "I can be fun," I retort.

He smiles. "Sure you can." He pats my head. "You are just too cute."

Rolling my eyes, I shove his oaf self over and he laughs. "Tonight if you are there, I'm going to show you just how bad I can be," I promise to him.

Harry smirks. "Good. Then that means you better come naked."

My face heats up. "You're sick. I mean party girl clothing."

"Sure baby," he grabs a strand of my hair between his fingers. "I did get invited so wear that party outfit." Nodding as he walks off, I return to reading my book.

It was called While It Lasts  by Abbi Glines  and I just couldn't get enough of the Cage guy. He reminded me so much of Harry it was well scary. Flipping through the pages, I bite on my bottom lip until a shadow stands above me making the table a darker shade.

"Macy we need to talk," Logan says.

Turning in my seat, I squint up at him. "What's there to talk about?"

Logan runs a hand through his perfectly flat brown hair. "I wanted to apologize. After everything that has happened between us I just feel guilty." He shakes his head. "I've been going to rehab for my-" he clears his throat uncomfortably. "I've been going to rehab and I just wanted to say I'm sorry."

I nod. "Yea it's ok. I know whenever you were acting like a complete weird-o that you were doing it out of the kindness of your heart," I reply sarcastically. Standing up, Logan gently places his hand on my shoulder to stop me from further movement. The tingles lit up like a Christmas Tree and I liked it. A lot.

He puts his face in front of mine. "I will never hurt you again. I promise. What can I do to gain your trust again?" Logan whispers.

I sigh over dramatically. "It'll take some time..."

Logan claps his hands in an excited manor. "Great! Come on over tomorrow night and we can get you to start trusting me again!" Logan hugs me quickly and parts with a huge smile.

Chuckling, I nod my head. I didn't know how Harry was going to take this bit of news, but I really didn't care. I needed friends. Logan had been sweet and I understand where that anger from Hell comes from. Parker and my step mother both are people I dislike so I'd be a hypocrite to say Logan couldn't do that as well. Even though he didn't hate me, anger can get the best of you.

The bell finally rings signaling it's time to go home. Placing my bag over my shoulder, I exit the cafeteria and head straight to the bus only to be stopped by Harry.

"Need a ride?" he asks.

Smiling, I nod my head. "Yes please."

Harry leads me to his black BMW where all of his friends hang around. "That's your girl?" one asks.

Looking over to the blonde headed blue eyed boy, Harry smiles. "Yes she is."

Last I checked, Harry never asked me out. Fixing to state this, Harry lifts me gently into his BMW and slams the door shut. When he climbs into the other side, I speak my mind. "You've never asked me out before."

Harry's hand freezes above the ignition. "I just figured we were a couple and that I didn't need to ask." he replies, cranking the car up.

Frowning, I stare out the window. It wasn't like it mattered that much, but at least don't say you're mine whenever you haven't claimed me. I completely understand the whole time when he said he loved me, but really? At the time I hadn't said it back and now I just felt like crap. We were still apparently dating, we've broken up yes, but he has never physically said "Will you go out with me?" We have went on dates, broke up, and made up but he still hasn't said those six little words.

"You are being awfully quiet," Harry interrupts my thoughts.

I shrug lopsidedly. "Just thinking I guess."

He pulls into my driveway. "About what?"

"Nothing, see you tonight at the party." Giving his tan cheek a quick kiss, I pull back and hop out of the car hurriedly running to the door and running up the stairs to my room. Jumping on the bed, I think about what to wear tonight to the party. Would a black leather corseted top and leather pants be too much?

Sighing, I dig through my drawers until I find the perfect party girl clothing that should surely make Harry wish he had never made this deal. Black fishing net leggings, a black top with no straps, and a cute simple bottom black part was what I chose. I thought I looked nice. Ok not nice but like a High School kid with an actual social life.

Not that I know what that is. Do you ever hear of Macy Jauregui going to parties? Heckle no. Smiling to myself, I know this is the dress. Applying dark red lipstick and smoky eyed eye shadow, I am now ready to go to Abby's party. Tonight would be fun and hopefully a new experience.

Vote; I'll be gone today so can we PLEASE get at least 10 votes on both chapters? & 10 comments? I'm feeling the number 10 today :)

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