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Chapter 37: Visiting Logan

Macy's POV





"Hey will you take me to Tennessee to visit Logan?" I slowly ask Harry.

He frowns. "Why do you need to?" he grits out.

I smile nervously. "It's been a while and he's my friend."

Harry runs a hand through his messy curls. "Fine. Get in the car."

                                                    * * * NUT HOUSE * * *

"Hi, I'm here to see Logan Lerman," I say to the receptionist. She smiles charmingly at Harry then gives me a less of a good smile.

"Follow me." Making sure to sway her hips just enough to tick me off, I look to where Harry smirks at me. He knew I was beyond annoyed at the girls attempt to get Harry to notice her. Walking down all white and squishy walls, we come up to a glass door where you could see Logan just sitting there with pink squishy cubes on his hands. "Logan, you have visitors. Do you want them in?"

Logan turns those ocean blue eyes to me, and a huge smile replaces the lost look on his face. "Yes please," he replies. The glass door slides open and I make sure Harry stays out for look out.

Walking through the door, I wrap my arms around Logan in a hug. "I missed you so much!" I kiss the right side of his cheek as he grins.

"I missed you, too." He waves his cube hands in the air. "So how's life been treating you?"

I chuckle at his formal words. "Wonderful and you?"

He laughs. "Well now I have cubes for hands, trapped inside an all squishy room without anybody, so lonely I guess." Sighing, he sits down on the stool in the middle of the room. "I have an itch. Do you mind?" he asks. I shake my head. "On my arm right." I begin scratching and he lets out a dreamy sigh. "Thank you. That's the spot."

Stepping back, I bite my lower lip. "I'm sorry you're in here," I sincerely say.

He shrugs. "Not your fault I decided to take photos of you and cut myself. I deserve this for every second I did to you that was wrong." Lopsidedly smiling, he looks up at me. "I missed you," he whispers. He had dark bags under his eyes, he seemed to be extra skinny, and his skin was pale. How I hadn't noticed that first walking in was beyond me.

"I missed you too," I reply back, brushing my fingers through his hair. "When will you be let out?"

Logan sheepishly smiles. "Probably not for a long time. Longer than I had thought, but you know what?" He motions with his head for me to come close. "I'm already planning an escape. Want to know how?" he whispers. I nod my head. "Breaking the glass," he whispers back like he was telling the most secretive secret.

"Why're we whispering?" I whisper back.

Logan chuckles. "Do you seriously think they'd place me in here without microphones? They can't hear anything like a whisper, just less than regular." Nodding in understanding, the receptionist walks back out.

"Time for you to leave miss."

I look at my watch. "It's only been ten minutes. My visit lasts twenty-"

"Yea well that boy out there is getting on my nerves. Leave now before I call the cops." Shooting Logan an apologetic face, he shrugs in understanding. Exiting the room, I give Logan one last look before turning to where Harry was sitting uncomfortably.

An a relieved smile comes on his face as he sees me. "Finally. Dang girl was hitting on me." Laughing, I clench my hands into fists at the fiery hot jealousy. The girl looked like a model with her bright blonde hair, crystal blue eyes, tan skin, and light freckles across her nose. She was a human Barbie doll. Harry takes my hand in his reassuringly and leads me out of the nuthouse. "Well since we're in your home town, want to show me around?"

Shaking my head, Harry sighs. "Sorry. I'm just really tired." Harrys lip juts to the side.

"Alright well lets go home then."

On our way back to Arkansas, I stared out the window as we pass all of the cities until we make it to where my house was located away from people. Harry stays silent the entire ride, much like I had, until we take a break on the side of the road.

His eyes were drooping. "We need to sleep. Or I need to anyways..." he says, eyes already closed. He falls asleep instantly. Chuckling, I click the button to lay my seat all the way back before staring up at the roof of the car. It was nice to just sit here, relax, and-

A black shadow passes by the side of my window. Freezing in my tracks, I slowly look up to where the window was. A mountain lion circled the car, ears perked. Eyes widening, I grab at Harry's arm causing his eyes to immediately shoot open. "What's wrong?" he asks too loudly. The mountain lion's ears shoot straight up and I slap my hand over his mouth.

"Look to your right," I whisper out with panic in my tone.

Harry slowly turns to where the mountain lion was, its fur a light brown and eyes vibrant. "I've got this." Opening the door, he grabs a stick. "GET OUT OF HERE! SCAT! SCAT YOU ROTTEN CAT!" The mountain lion stares at Harry for a moment before letting out a hiss, walking towards him. Harry drops the stick. "Well I'm out of ideas, you?"

If we weren't in such a horrible position, I would be laughing. "Give me the stick," I command Harry, knowing exactly what to do.

"Are you insane?"

I nod. "Give me it or I'll beat you with it."

He throws the stick to me and I make sure to get it into the cats visual. "Nice kitty, see the stick?" The cats head follows around in a circle, eyes stuck on the stick. "Go fetch!" Throwing the stick, the cat chases after it. Yanking Harry to the car, I shout at him, "Start the car up! Start the car up!"

Harry fidgets with the keys then connects it in the spot, fully awake now. "Lets just, uh, keep driving."

"Agreed." Laying back in my chair, I chance a peek to where the mountain lion was no nowhere in sight. Phew.

VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! Idk where this idea came from.

Lollipop: 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora