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Chapter 19: Serenaded


Macy's POV





Opening my eyes to the hospital, again, I look to where a very stressed looking Harry intently watches me. My dry lips turn into a huge smile. "Harry," I croak out.

Harry smiles, handing me a glass of water. "Are you feeling ok?" Harry puts his hand on my cheek gently, checking my forehead for fever. I nod. "Good. Listen Macy," Harry sits back in his chair, popping out the Dum Dum sucker he had had in his mouth. "I-I don't think we should be seeing each other anymore."

I'm full alert now. "What do you mean?" I start to feel panic rise inside of me. The heart monitor beside me rises, beeping loudly.

Harry gently eases me back to the bed. "Shh. Macy I've thought about this. I'm trouble. Everything your dad said is true, everything Logan says about me is true. I need to leave you for good. You'll never see me again, I'll be sure of it." He runs a hand down his face, letting air part past his heart shaped lips. "And by doing this you will never be placed in a hospital bed again. You'll be safe."

"With you I'm safe." I start to say but Harry silences me.

"No you're not." His hand gently grabs a strand of my hair, twirling it around his finger. "You're a delicate flower; you need your sunshine. I'd take all of it if I let my darkness envelope you."

I shake my head. "I refuse! I can give you my light just-just don't go," I whisper, latching my hand onto his. He gently pries my hand off of his; patting it.

"I'm sorry Macy." Then he exits the hospital room.


Harry's POV

It's been three weeks. Three stinking weeks without speaking to her. The only time I did was so we could present our History project and that was that. We made a one hundred percent on it, by the way. Holding the drawing she did of the Titanic against my chest, I stare up at the ceiling. I've lost everything. My cat, my girl, my hope.

It was all taken after the first night with Macy. My heart owned her.

Unfolding the piece of paper, I inhaled the scent of Macy that still lurked. Prom was next weekend. Macy didn't have a date and after hearing it from the people she sat around at lunch with, she wasn't going. Her one and only High School experience would be ruined because of me.

Running a frustrated hand down my face, I get on my feet. I haven't slept in days or shaved. I looked like something you'd see in an old newspaper. With a loud belch, I head downstairs to make some coffee. All I was wearing was some green boxers and a white shirt that had mystery stains. Ruffling through the stacks of papers I had, I decide I had to see Macy.

Racing up the stairs, I grab my guitar and the lyrics to a song I had wrote for her. I'd win her back.

Grabbing my keys, I hop into my car. My heart was pounding in my chest at the mere thought of Macy and I was psyched.  Pulling into her driveway, my heart begins pounding harder as I jump out of my car. I knew her father wouldn't let me in so I decided to go to the tree beside Macys room. Getting a good grip on the bark, I pull with all of my muscled arm strength to get up the trunk.

Taking a deep breath, I slowly climb up it. Don't look down Harry. Don't look down. Had I ever mentioned I was deathly afraid of heights? No? Well you learned something. Deep breaths escape my parted lips as I climb onto a tree branch. Good thing she had a balcony. Grabbing on to the white railing, I haul myself up the side and straighten myself out a bit.

Knocking on her balcony door, she pushes the white curtain back with a confused look before she sees me. Her eyes were pink and face blotchy. My beautiful angel. She opens the door and heads over to the bed.

"Hi. Wasn't expecting you here," she says this with a small smile.

I pull out my guitar. "Neither was I but," I join to sit beside her on the bed. "I wrote a song for you."


Macy's POV

"A song? For me?" I was in shock. Before I'd heard the knock I had been stuffing myself with chocolates while repeatedly blowing my nose into tissues. All of the wrappers were now hidden under my bed sheets.

Harry smiles with a light blush on his face. "Yea. I wrote it while we were on our breakup that lasted exactly three weeks, fourteen days, and thirty painful minutes."

"Aren't we still on break?" I confusedly ask.

Harry winks at me. "Hopefully after this song we won't. I do believe prom is next weekend and a beautiful brunette must take me."

"What about Mrs. Tickles?" I teased. 

He smiles. "We broke up. What can I say? I'm a heartbreaker."

I rolled my eyes. "Go ahead and serenade me lover boy."

He shakes his head. "After we go to the lake, alright?"

I shrug in agreement. "Why not."

 *   *   * TWENTY MINUTES LATER *  *   *

Harry picks up a log and places it in front of the campfire he built. The smoke from the fire casted  shadows across Harrys perfectly sculpted face. "Alright. Here it goes." Harry pulls out his guitar, positioning it on his lap.

"My heart and soul ain't the same, there's only so pain I can contain, but baby you stay the same. Even while the world hits you the hardest, you stay the same. St-st-stay the same, baby you stay the same. And I wonder, yes I wonder, if you think about me the same. Take my heart and cage it away, and just stay the same. St-st-stay the same, doo-doo-doo-doo-doo stay... Baby just stay the same. There's only so much paiiinnnn I can contain- yet you stay the same. And when the world fights our love, I know there's a balance and all things end- but you stay the... same."

I stare at his perfect mouth as he says each word and feel like my heart just exploded. "That was beautiful," I whisper out.

Harry shrugs. "I wrote another song but it was inspired for future preferences. Would you like to hear it?" I nod my head vigorously. "Good cause if you would have said no, I would have thrown a marshmallow at you."

I gasp. "Jerk."

He winks. "You know it," he says in a girlie tone.


UNDERSTAND THAT SONG WAS WRITTEN BY A FRIGGIN 1_ YEAR OLD FANGIRL WHO HAS NO experience. NO HATE ON THE THING THAT DESERVES IT :) Copyrighted 2015. Although I don't know why you'd steal it :)

Lollipop: 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora