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Chapter 20: Standing In Roses Isn't The Most Romantic Idea

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Macy's POV





Waking up, I turn to the alarm clock blazing in my ear. With a little groan, I run a hand down my face to shake the sleepiness out of my eyes. Looking on the drawer desk, a very colorful rainbow lollipop lays on the brown desk top. Scrunching my brows up in confusion, I pick up the lollipop and it reads:

Go Downstairs. -H

Pushing off from my comfortable position in the bed, I obey the mysterious note. Going down the stairs, I groggily drudge down the stairs in a slow, yet cautious, manor. Getting to the bottom of the step, a light pink note that reads: Go to your flower garden out front- H comes into view. I knew it was Harry and not some killer cause it was his hand writing.

Rolling my eyes, I head outside to the garden. Pushing through the roses a beautiful bouquet of red Dum Dum suckers surround a huge rainbow lollipop stands in the middle. Smiling to myself, I pull out the white note that reads: Life Would Suck Without You -H. Placing a hand over my mouth, I let out an excited squeal as the next thing reads: Will You Go To Prom With Me?

I hear footsteps sound in front of me so I look up to the source. Harry has a huge grin on his face, exposing that deeply imbedded dimple in his cheek. "Will you?" he asks.

I look to where he's standing in the middle of the rose bushes. I frown. "Uh, aren't there thorns in those bushes?" I ask.

Harry makes a pained expression. "Yea a little bit," he wheezes out.

Trying to hide my smile I watch him struggle to break free from the roses, falling frontwards straight on me. Letting out a laugh I smile up at him. "I'm happy to see you," he says with a grin on his face.

"I can see that." I wiggle a bit, feeling something hard pressing against my navel.

Harry rolls his eyes. "Don't flatter yourself. It's my knee." He pushes off of me as I chuckle under my breath. Holding his hand out to me, I latch onto him as he hoists me up off the ground. "So what do you say?"

I make a straight face. "No."

His face makes a defeated frown line on his heart shaped lips. "What?"

I can't hold in my laughter. Hitting his arm repeatedly I basically beat on his arm. "Heckle berry yes!" I wrap my arms around his neck as I squeal into his arms, jumping up and down. Harry lets out a groan and I pull back. "What was that?"

He winks at me. "You made me excited."

"What does that mean..." I trail off in understanding. "Ew, you're nasty."

His perverted smile flashes across his face. "Did you just realize that?"

I shake my head. "No, I figured that out a long time ago." He bends down to pick up my sucker bouquet with a small smile. "It was a cute idea," I say.

Harrys face blushes. "Yea I may or may not have stolen the idea off of Google."

"I feel so loved," I replied in a flat tone. His face goes a brighter pink. "It's okay, I love it," I hurriedly finish. I didn't want him to not do cute things like this. "But how did you get that lollipop in my room?" I ask slowly.

Harrys face goes a brighter pink. "Uh, would it be weird if I said while you were sleeping I placed it there?" he asks.

"Um I guess not?" I say it like a question. That wasn't weird at all. Note the sarcasm.

He smiles. "Good. Then yea I sure did." What's funny is that he says it like a good thing. Apparently sneaking into somebodys house was a good idea. "By the way," he walks to my house with me in his arms. "you may or may not need to start locking your window. In case any creeps want in, ya know?"

I chuckle. "Like you?" I jokingly say.

Harry blushes again. "Knock it off, Mandy."

I punch his arm, harshly. "How about you knock me up," I retort with a smile. Harry freezes at my words, looking down at me. "What?" I ask.

He frowns. "Do you know what you just said?"

"No?" I questionably say.

He shakes his head. "Don't repeat that to anyone, ok?"

"Why? Is it inappropriate?"

Harry nods. "Don't repeat it." Frowning deeply, I let him carry me up the stairs until we make it to my room. "Well I better let you sleep," he places me on my bed gently. "I can't wait to take you to prom tonight."

I freeze. "It's tonight?"

He laughs. "Yea did you forget?"

I nod my head. "Sorry I didn't know. Anyways I'll go shopping today for a dress."

Harry puckers his lips in a pout. "Can I come, pwease?" he says in baby talk.

Chuckling, I nod. "Why not?"

*   *    * Buying A Dress *   *   *

Don't ever, ever, ever invite Harry with you again, I think to myself. Harry was currently picking out black thongs for me instead of helping me look for an actual dress. He comes up to me with a bright smile on his face.

"I just bought you a Sexy Santa dress!" He pulls out a short cut red dress that literally covered half of my bottom while the top half indented in between my chest area. "Try it on for me, eh?" Harry holds it out to me as I scowl.

Pushing it back away from me, I scowl at the very offensive item of clothing. "Put it away. I'm not wearing that so kiss your money goodbye." I push through the racks of clothing thinking to myself, What happened to the sweetheart from this morning?  Staring at me, Harry runs a hand down his face.

"You are so difficult," he grumbles under his breath, pinching the bride of his nose as he walks away from me, placing the already paid for item back to the cashier. He motions to me with a very sour scowl on his face as the cashier tries to mask her smile. She understood.

Waving at her, I watch Harry walk back through the aisles; shoulders slumped. "You made me look like a loser," he whines.


Harrys face blushes. "I told her I was getting some tonight and now..." he trails off with a guilty expression.

"You're sick Harry Edward Styles." Giving his curly locks a playful messy look, I let him lead me out of the store with my already amazing dress in hand. It was light pink, no straps, with little beads in between the top half and the bottom half. Like you care. The only thing I had to worry about tonight was Logan.

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