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Chapter 9:  One Direction Tickets= Kisses

Macy's POV





Waking up to my alarm clock blazing was definitely something I hated doing. It meant school. Running a sloppy hand down my face to shake the sleep out, I grab my jogging clothes and take the stairs two at a time. I liked to jog before going to school to wake up easier. Going outside, I tie my shoe up then lock the door to my house.

Time to jog.

I set the watch on my wrist to tell me how much I had walked for the day. Starting the slow pace, I put my headphones in my ears and jam to One Direction music. Racing down the highway, a black BMW passes by me slowly and my mind goes to Harry. Was that him? Slowing down, I peek over my shoulder to the car that never slows down.

Taking a deep breath, I realize I may possibly be obsessing over him. I didn't want to but what happens, happens. Continuing my job, Stockholm Syndrome starts playing and I mentally squeal in delight. I loved that song so much. Humming along with it, my feet stumble over themselves. My vision goes blurry and I expect pain to erupt but instead feel a heartbeat.

Opening my eyes, that I had forcefully closed while falling, brilliant green eyes stare into my eyes. An amused smile follows soon after on his features, exposing those deep dimples. "Harry?" I croak out from my tilted down position.

Harry smiles at me, his curly locks blocking his forehead. "Must have been really in tuned with the music." He stands me to my feet. "What song is it?" 

My limbs were shaking as I bent down to grab my iPod. "I was listening to Stockholm Syndrome," I reply turning my iPod off so it wouldn't lose its charging.

Harry curses under his breath. "Do you like this boy band?"

My eyes brighten. "Very much!"

He scratches the back of his neck nervously, pulling out two 'On The Road Again' tickets. "I bought these for you and thought maybe-"

I squeal loudly, throwing my arms around Harry. He chuckles, patting my back. I pull away and start peppering kisses all over his face. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I slam my lips into his and he groans.

"You," he touches his pointer finger to his top lip. "busted my lip open."

I shrug and smile. "Thanks so much! When are we going to the concert?"

Harry rubs the blood from his lip with a scowl on his face. "Like one day after prom."

My happy smiles vanish. "Prom? As in one month from now? That's so long," I groan out. He pats my back soothingly and I give him one last kiss before heading back to the house to take a shower.


Harry's POV

I only got those stupid tickets to make her happy. I so was not looking forward to this. Following after her to her house, I rest my arms behind my head and lay my feet on her bed. This bed was comfortable. Grabbing her fluffy black pillow, I inhale deeply to smell the scent of her. She smelt like sugar.

After a few minutes of silence, I hear the water running and then singing. Like full out, bleeding of the ears music. Standing to my feet, I wonder if maybe she was hurt or in pain. With that thought, I open the door to the bathroom to expose (literally) a very happy and mind you very naked Macy dancing.

"Lollipop, lollipop! Oh lolli lolli oh lolli lolli lolli lolli-pop!" Macy turns at the sound of the intrusion, eyes widening at me. She turns the water off and places a towel around herself. "Get out! What are you doing in here?"

I'm frozen in fear. I grab something to the side to place over my eyes and run from the room only to run into the wall. My vision blurs and I fall on the bathroom floor.

* * *

Opening my eyes slowly, the first thing I see is Macy's worried expression. "Are you ok?" I make a muffled noise which she takes as a good sign. "Come on. Lets go to school." She holds her hand out to me and I let her help me to my feet.

She walks down the stairs with me following behind. A car is parked outside and I know who's it is the moment I look at it. Logans. Macy turns to me with a warning gaze. "I forgot all about him picking me up." With a sigh, she walks over to him leaving me wondering what she was going  to speak with him about. "Logan I'm sorry to refuse the offer, but Harry ran into a wall and I'm going to drive him to school," she says.

Logan's annoyed look turns to me. "That's fine," he grits out. I notice him clenching his fist until Macy walks towards him, talking low enough that I can't hear. When she moves back, a very pleased look is on Logan's face and I so badly want to know what she said.

Macy nods to my car and I immediately hand her my keys. She guides me to the passenger side and then goes to the drivers spot. Turning the key into the ignition, I stare out the window to where Logans deathly angered face stares at me. Flipping him off, I watch Macy as she pulls us out of her driveway with a very happy me staring at Logan.

"Sorry about making you miss your ride," I don't sincerely say after minutes of silence.

Macy shrugs. "My fault. Should have made sure you didn't follow me inside." Her grip on the steering wheel went from lose to strong. Her hands turned a chalky white and I could see her jaw ticking. Meow. An angry Macy is so hot. Time to make her madder.

"Yea you really should have, Mandy."

Her grip tightens on the steering wheel. "Let me guess," she grits out. "you've dated a slutty girl before called Mandy huh?"

Ouch. Alright, kitty likes to scratch. Good thing I adore cats.

Opening up a sucker, I pop it into my mouth and kick my feet up on my dashboard. "Relax kitten. I don't date many people," I trail my fingers up her arm to her neck. She shivers gently. "The only person I think about is you, Mandy."

Macy's face goes a bright pink. I loved teasing her. "Wh-whatever." I liked the effect I had on her, why I didn't know. "Get your hands off my neck," she tries out.

I chuckle and move my hands. "Then what would you like for me to touch? I've gotta touch something." She gives me a side along glance to where I give her a wink.

Her face goes pinker without a response.

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