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Chapter 21: Smile

Macy's POV





Ever so gently placing on the dress, I examine myself in the mirror for anything I could have possibly missed. My hair was down yet curled, my dress was flown out, and my face looked like a face. Seems I look like I do everyday. Me. At least prom doesn't change me like it does other girls. To be honest prom, to me, is stupid. Who wants to be in the schools sweaty gym with a dress?

Most of the time it's to get the guy, as people at our school say, 'some.'

Rolling my eyes at the thought, I put the bobby pin between my teeth and fix my hair up in a bun. If Harry wanted me to look good he wasn't getting it. The only thing that looked promy, I just made a word, was my dress. With a frustrated sigh, I collapse on the bed.

"Macy can I come in?" I hear the slight knock at the door. It was Parkers wife.

"Yea I guess," I yell back.

The door opens and she hesitantly walks over to the bed, sitting beside me. I guess she thought I'd bite her? "I was wondering if I could do your hair?" I made a face and she raises her hands in defense. "Not that it doesn't look good."

"Fine," I say frustrated. She giggles and helps me to my feet. "Do anything, I'm hopeless."

*  * * LATER THAT DAY *  *  *

I'm not going to lie. I looked hot. Looking through the mirror I decide I better go downstairs before Parker gives Harry another speech. With that happy thought, I race down the stairs where a very uncomfortable Harry stands in front of the door. When he sees me a huge smile crosses his face.

"You look beautiful," he whispers into my ear.

Chuckling, I give his cheek a quick peck before we head to his car. I didn't have to say anything to Parker and I sure as heck wasn't letting him speak to me. Opening the passenger side door for me, Harry hoists me up into the car and jogs to the other side.

                                           *  *  * PROM *  *  *

He looked nice in a black tux. His curly brown hair was pushed back in the front with probably hairspray and a hair dryer, and his breath minty with a slight scent of Dum-Dum sucker. I wrapped my arms around his neck, legs wobbly with the feeling of him so close. I wasn't one to experience love and it was amazing. Harry kisses my neck, leaving goose bumps.

"You really do look beautiful," he whispers against the shell of my ear, tickling it. I feel his tongue go inside my ear and push him back.

"Ugh, ruin all the good moments why don't you."

He smiles, pulling me back to his chest. "Chill baby, I just want to bother you." He tips me back, face inches from mine. "Is it working?" His cool breath presses against my exposed chest and I nod my head instead of letting him go any further with his "dancing."

"What does it look like?" I retort back.

"Well," he looks me up and down. "it looks like a girl with a good figure, a pretty face, and innocence that could be ruined by me yet she wants me just as much as I want her."

My lips part in silence. "That's some deep stuff."

Harry laughs, pulling me tighter to him. "Not near as deep as I could get," he says with a wink. I roll my eyes and hit his arm.


Harry's POV

Her hand holding mine was very delicate, but I could not break free. Her sweet scent casted naughty and sweet thoughts into my mind; a kaleidoscope of thoughts. She was mine and I was hers. Resting my chin on her head, I smile to myself. Although the rest of the world was dancing and moving, we were frozen in what I knew was our love in transparent form.

Putting my hands on the exposed flesh of her back, I put my lips to her ear. "This is really boring."

She snorts, looking up at me with a smile. "I agree," she whispers back. "Want to go?"

I smile and pull her with me; hand in hand. "Lets go to the lake, I wrote a knew song for you and thought you'd want to hear it."

"What's up with you and all the song writing?"

"Remember when I said we were meeting One Direction?" I ask.

She nods. "Yea?"

"Well we're meeting them tomorrow so I have to step up my game. Believe it or not you are very sexy and they are, for what I hate to admit, are good looking guys. None are stealing you from me," I protectively say.

Macy chuckles. "Boys."

Whenever we get to the lake after a comfortable silence, I hop out of the BMW and smell the beautiful scent that was nature. Opening the car door for Macy, I help her step down and look at what shoes she's wearing. Converses. I begin laughing loudly and a furious look goes on Macys face. Meow that's hot.

"Stop laughing about it!" She stomps her foot in the ground and crosses her arms over her chest. "You're a.. a ... meanie head! Yea!"

I begin laughing harder. "You can't even say a curse word, hahahah!"

Macy gets right in my face and does something that I had not seen coming. She slaps my face. "That actually hurt," I trail off, faking it.

Macys face goes pink. "Harry I am so sorry-"

I begin laughing and notice a few tears in her eyes. "T-those c-converses were m-my m-mothers," she stammers out.

"Oh my gosh, Macy I'm so sorry-"

"Ha! I can't believe you fell for that!" She raises her hands in the air like a champion and smiles at me brightly. "Come here and give me a kissy kissy," she purrs. Snorting I pull her to me and begin kissing her face. "Closer," she says. I move my lips to her cheek. "Closer," she says again. I move my lips to her chin. "Up a bit more." I place my lips to her lips and put my hands on the back of her head.

Letting out a groan, Macy pushes back. "Oops I don't know where that came from," she says; eyes vibrant with her deepest feelings towards me. I knew that look. She hungered what I have since I turned fourteen. Lust. Shaking my head, I pull her to me and turn the song Smile by Mikky Ekko on in my car, and gently dance with Macy at the lake.

"I-I can't dance." Macy shakes her head at my assault to try.

"Well here." Propping her up on my feet I gently move us to the music as Macy stares up at me, biting her lower lip. Brushing a piece of her hair back, I stare deep into her eyes. "You're the one I want. I want you so much it hurts. I'm not going to pretend with you." I press my lips into the crook of her neck. "I've never felt this way about anyone." I take a deep breath, dragging my lips across her flesh. "I love you."

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