Chapter 17

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Selena POV

Oh my god....
I couldn't believe what I was seeing on the screen....


I saw a very nude Marcel, getting beat up on the cold ground outside the locker room by so many guys. I see him crying and screaming as bystanders laugh as they take pictures or record him. Oh my god....

This was the tape, Marcel told me about.

I see everyone laughing hysterically at the video being played as teachers and principals rush to try and take down the video. I see Taylor and Olly chucking and smiling proudly. I see Harry staring at the screen, frozen in place with widen eyes. Niall, Liam, Louis, and Zayn just as shock as I was. Eleanor and Leeroy speechless as well, in shock as well.
And Marcel.....

He looks at the screen, watching his nightmare being played all over again, but this time, for the whole school to see as they all laugh hysterically at him. Tears streaming down his cheeks, breathing in and out heavily as I felt like crying for him.

"M-Marcel..." Leeroy stutters as a few tears come out his eyes but Marcel just doesn't answer.

Who would do this? How did they get the tape?!

"Everyone, I give all the credit and thanks to Harry Styles for lending me the tape!" Olly shouts out in the microphone, wrapping his arm around Harry's shoulders.


Harry looks around, shaking his head before looking up at me as I just shake my head in disbelief. This was why he was acting weird when I first spoke to him before the pep rally started....HE CAUSED THIS!


I look at Marcel in tears after he shouts, catching Harry's attention as Harry lets a few tears fall out as he shakes his head.

"WHHYYYYYY?!" Marcel screams in such disbelief and betrayal as he cries insanely, breathing unevenly. His eyes are bloodshot red, veins popping from his neck, his face in a dark shade of red.

Harry shakes his head at him, mouthing things to him such as, 'It's not what looks like!' or 'I'm sorry Marcel!'.

The video was finally taken down, the principal and teachers trying to settle down the students but they keep on laughing and instigating, the majority pointing at Marcel, some students behind us even pull on his clothes as he tries pushing them off.

"STOP IT, LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Eleanor shouts as she tries pushing them back.

Marcel gets yanked to the stairs as many students start to jump him, trying ripping his clothes off of him.

"N-NO! S-STOP!! LET ME GOOO!!!" He screams of terror as he get pushed around, his vest and white button up shirt getting ripped.




"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I shouted, Leeroy, Eleanor, and I trying to get them all off of him. Even Liam, Zayn, Niall, and Louis tried as well.

Harry shouts through the microphone in completely horror.

Everyone gets off of Marcel, letting him. Marcel completely horrified with a ripped shirt and vest, laughter still around him.

He ran out.

He turned and ran out of the gym as fast as he can.

"MARCEL!!" Leeroy shouts after him as runs after him.

"Marcel!" I see Harry run out as he were about to run after Marcel as well, not until I run quickly after Harry and stop him.


Harry turns around to face me as we're both alone in the hallway. Tears streaming down his face as he shakes his head.


"H-How could you do this to h-him?! YOUR O-OWN TWIN BROTHER, H-HARRY!!"

"I-I can explain!"

"You k-knew this was h-his nightmare and fear, and you d-did it anyways!"

"I d-didn't mean t-to....I r-regretted it a-and t-tried to stop O-Olly but it w-was too l-late! PLEASE BELIEVE ME!"

"DON'T GET NEAR ME!" I yelled as he tries to get close to him.

"You are d-disgraceful! A-After what I've b-been telling you on how to get a-along with him, but I g-guess you were trying t-to get  even over s-something that wasn't his f-fault!"

He sniffs, tears streaming down his cheeks as I do as well. How could he do this to Marcel? HOW COULD HE?!

"S-Selena, please....p-please don't leave m-me!...."

"Y-You're disgusting, Harry S-Styles...I don't even know you anymore...."

I turned away from him, running off as I heard his calls after me but I just ran to try and find Marcel myself if Leeroy doesn't find him.

Marcel, why did have to happen to you?....


Marcel POV

"Everyone, I give all the credit and thanks to Harry Styles for lending me the tape!"

My life is over. It's the end of me.

My personal nightmare has been exposed to the whole public and now I'm the 'laughing stock', and my twin brother is responsible for it.

I felt betrayal, anger, despised, humiliation, worthless. I was clearly identified as, not now only, the geek, but a toy.


I heard echoes of Leeroy's calls for me, trying to find my presence. I got up from my knees, moving my body away from the corner of the lockers as I reveal myself to the blond headed fellow.

He suddenly halts, staring at me with his apologetic, tearfully eyes. I noticed his tear-stained cheeks as I stare at his presence as he sighs.


I halt for a few seconds, my brain snapping my senses to break down and run towards him. And that exactly I did.

I rush myself towards him as I release my feelings out into tears, crushed my body into his as he wraps his arms around me as I cried deeply, ashamed of the footage of me and myself.


"J-Just cry m-mate....l-let it out, I-I'm here for y-you..." He reveals to me as we both cry on ours knees, Leeroy hugging me close to me.

Harry said he despised he has clarified it deeply.



This chapter is sad I'm guessing, I know lovelies 😢
But I updated this story twice today so yaasss! ✌🏼️😁

So what do you think will happen between Harry's and Selena's relationship?

Most importantly, what will happen with Marcel's and Harry's relationship?


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