Chapter 9

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Marcel POV

"What holiday were the Roman masses celebrating during of Caesar's return?" Mr. Barlow asks, pointing at the black board as he observes around the classroom for answers.

I gasped, raising my hand up, trying to catch the attention of the adult in front of me. I'm suspecting he was looking for other participants to answer, but no one would volunteer. To catch his attention, I increasing started to wave my hand back and forth, practically almost using all my energy to remove myself from my seat.

"Okay, well Marcel?"

"honor of Lupercus" I bit my bottom lip, hoping the my response was correct for the teacher's question.

"Yes, correct" he nods, I smiled feeling proud of my individuality of participating. I always felt successful when answering, I feel like I accomplished myself.

Suddenly, a small folded piece of paper was swished over to me. I look at the folded paper confusedly, while looking next to me and see that Selena was holding her smile.

I slowly attach my fingers to the note, quietly unfolding it to not create a distraction nor get caught.

'Boo you! Anyone could of answered that question!

- Sel xx'

I look over at the stunning brunette beside my presence, as she notices my stare, smiling at me which I gradually return another to her.

You could say, Selena and I's friendship has gotten more intimate, I don't think it's getting anywhere, nor I plan to. I'm satisfied with being just mates, even though I often wish she was more.

The bell rings, causing the whole class to erupt from their seats and quickly make their way to the door. I just stay calm, organize my notes and other assignments in my briefcase before I head out of the class. I felt peaceful walking down the hallways until I heard that immature voice again.


Oh no, oh goodness not now.

"Hey Marcie! Nice to see you!" Olly pats my shoulder, roughly massaging it as I try shifting myself away from his presence.

"Leave me alone, I don't want to be involved in your foolishness"

"Foolishness? Are you calling me a fool?" He steps forward me, raising an eyebrow at me with an anger expression.

"N-No, I'm simply expla-"

My words were interrupted as soon as I felt a heavy weight knock my down, connecting me to the hard floor.

Olly had pushed me, which caused attention to all the students surrounding us.

"One thing, thing! You don't call me a fool when you could just look at yourself in the mirror, and think before you say anything!" he picks me up, slamming me to the lockers as I felt his fists connect to physical appearances. Pain was connecting thought out my whole body and face.

He pushes me to the ground, kicking me repeatedly as I groaned of pain. With all these students surrounding us, not one could interfere and help me.

"What are you doing, Harry? That's you brother, help him!"

I slowly look up after hearing those words speak out of someone's mouth. Harry was standing, just watching me get beaten by Olly Mars.

"O-Olly, stop-"

"NO! GET OFF OF HIM!" a familiar voice yells, Olly stops to see who interfered which I get a quick check myself.


Marcel or Harry?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora