Chapter 19

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Marcel POV


"Marcel, are you hungry?"

I don't respond to my mother's question. My mind isn't focusing on any person at this moment. I have an assignment that I must complete. I have no intentions of being disturb.


"No thank you. I have no appetite at this moment"

I heard my bedroom door close, followed by a pair footsteps walking towards me. By what my conscience is telling me, my mother had not exit my bedroom.

"Marcel...I'm sorry about what happened-"

"No don't apologize. I have no desire in reflecting on the situation that happened earlier at the auditorium. I ask of you not to bring up this sort of topic to me until my mentality and I as a person, are completely under control"

"Okay sweetie. I'll leave you alone" she kisses my head before I slyly smile in return. Once she has exited, I proceed with my academics. It didn't take much for some other presence to enter my bedroom. But this presence I feel is utterly shameful.

"I know that you know it's me. Don't ask me to leave"

I paused on my writing, staring at the assignment in front of me for a while before proceeding. My work is important, even if it means I have an eyesore in my bedroom.

"Then if you don't intend on exiting, proceed with what you have to say"

"I know that you don't want talk to me right now. I'm an ass for what I did to you-"

"Ha no. Mind my profanity but you're not an ass. You're despicable. I can't think of a theory of why my own identical sibling could betray his own blood's trust?"

"Because I was upset. But I had a reason at first, you were taking Selena away from me"

"Was I intending on being with Selena?"

"Yes! And you know I'm not wrong!"


I responded, slamming my mechanical pencil over my desk. I rotate my chair but standing up to face Harold. I wasn't going to allow such nonsense coming from someone so cruel and untrustworthy.

"My intentions weren't to steal your girlfriend. My intentions with Selena were specifically to form an friendship as she wasn't herself as a person at the time. She was depressed and heartbroken. Yes you're correct about my emotions towards her being accurate but I knew she didn't return those emotions. But just to justify myself to you, after all the pain and betrayal you have inflicted on me, I will certainly not stop loving Selena"

"No. No I won't allow it"

"I'm not requesting your permission"

"But you just can't!" Harry shouts in pure anger.

"Why can't you just see how I'm feeling?!"

"I'm not proud of my actions, I never really was. One isn't in control of his or her emotions Harry. You must understand that"

"And I know you can't Marcel. But I can't lose her, I love her too much to just give up"

His emotions are obviously overwhelming as tears slightly start to stream down his cheeks.

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