Chapter 5

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Selena POV

"LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" Zayn yells, holding a beer bottle in the air as everyone cheers and claps. The music bursts out into high volume and everyone was talking, dancing, just being social like always.

"Well isn't this the best party yet?"

"Zayn never disappoints me" Eleanor smiles proudly as I chuckled, nodding in agreement. I see Louis and Niall standing at the corner, talking to each other as I noticed Niall had a nervous and scared look on his face. I wonder what's up?

"There's Louis and Niall" I motioned over to the boys, we make our way towards them while I was looking around to see if Harry was around. Of course, I don't see him anywhere.

"Hey guys" I sighed, greeting Louis and Niall with a smile and small friendly hug.

"Hello Selena, hey babe" Louis smirks, pulling Eleanor close to him by her waist, pecking her lips as she lets a chuckle, a blush spreading across her face.

"Hello ladies, liking the party so far?" Niall asked, trying to start a conversation with us. I'm still wondering why he looked so nervous, but I think I shouldn't ask since it's none of my business.

"Good, Zayn still got it"

"Your telling me" Louis smiles, looking around the frat house at all the guests having a good time.

"But guess who came tonight"

"Who?" I furrowed my eyebrows, facing Niall while he smacks his lips after saying her name.

"Taylor Swift" he mugged, taking a sip out of his beer bottle.


"Oh hell to the fucking no!" Eleanor growls, crossing her arms as she shook her head with a pissed look on her face. I don't blame her since I have that same look on my face too.

"Oh come girls, don't let her get to you"

"She's so fake Louis! You have no idea, how many times she tried to make mine and Eleanor's lives a living hell"

"But that was the past, you guys can just hug and make up. If you two can be cool with Perrie Edwards, then I'm sure you can be cool with Taylor as well"

"But it's different, Perrie is actually very out-going and kind to everyone. Taylor is just.....vache!"

"Eleanor Calder, don't you use profanity in a different language" I playfully slapped her arm, trying to hold back my laughter from what she said.

"What did she even say?"


"Oh" Louis and Niall nod in unison, it's so funny how Eleanor just insults people or things in a different language. It's so feisty of her.

"Hey, do you guys know where Harry is?"

"Last time I saw him, he went to the back balcony" Louis said, taking a sip of his drink, out of his red cup.


"I suppose, yeah" Niall shrugs, I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion after what he has told me. Why would Harry go to the back balcony alone? I have to go see this for myself.

"Hey, where are you going?" Eleanor asks after seeing me walking off, away from them.

"To go find Harry" I walk off, finding my way towards the balcony as I see Zayn with Perrie in his arms, laughing and exchanging a few kisses. Maybe Zayn knows if Harry is still out at the back balcony.

"Hey lovebirds" I smiled, wiggling my eyebrows as I walk up to them.

"Hey fudge brunette" Zayn chuckles as I playfully glare at him. He always had this mind of calling me that nickname since middle school. Eh, I'm use to it so I don't mind.

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