Chapter 6

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Selena POV

"Did you hear? Harry and Selena broke up!"

"I know, I heard he dumped her"

"No way, he cheated on her with Taylor Swift"

"I don't blame him, Taylor's got what every guy wants"

I groaned silently to myself as I walked down the school hallways, listening to the whispers the bystanders were passing to each other. Seriously, don't these kids have anything better to do? As I was making my way to my locker, I did notice the familiar brunette boy at his locker across from me, putting his books in it while pushing up his glasses on his nose.

"Hi Marcel" I greeted him, he quickly turns around as he lets out smile and waves at me.

"Good morning Selena" I smiled as I turned to open my locker. Just because I broke up with Harry, doesn't mean I still can't be friends with his brother, Marcel isn't his property.

"How's your evening going, Selena?" oh with all the whispering in the halls and the stares I be getting when I walk in classrooms, yeah what a perfect day. Note the sarcasm.

"Fine, just like any other day" I chuckled nervously, giving him my best smile. He smiles and nods, pushing up his glasses on his nose. Huh, I never noticed Marcel had a great smile. Yet again, he is Harry's twin brother. But, his smile seems different then his twin brother, it's.....comforting. Suddenly, the bell rings as now it's time to get to class.

"Well, see you around Marcel"

"Have a nice day" he smiles, walking off as I closed my locker, making my way to class. I wasn't looking forward to going to my 5th period since I had Taylor Swift in that class. After walking inside my class, still getting the stares and hearing more whispers, I took my seat as I tried paying attention to the teacher, Mr. Barlow on the board.

"Okay class, since all AP classes are doing a project, I decided-" Mr. Barlow was interrupted as everyone looks towards the doors when I see a familiar brunette boy with large glasses and his briefcase come in, holding a yellow paper in his shaky hand as he closes the door and walks towards the teacher.

"Oh gosh, nerd alert!" Taylor pretendedly gasp, her hand over her bright red, dirty lips as the whole class started laughing. Smh, bitch.

"Enough!" Mr. Barlow silences the class, turning his attention back to Marcel, who nervously hands him the yellow paper to him.

"Ah, Mr. Styles. I was expecting you" Mr. Barlow smiles, handing back the paper.

"Everyone, please welcome Marcel to our AP class. I expect you all to treat him kindly, WITH respect" he narrows his eyes at Taylor, giving her the 'I'm talking to you' look. Taylor scoffed, rolling her eyes as she crosses her arms. Mr. Barlow smiles as he motions Marcel to take any open seat. Marcel shyly nods, looking around for a seat. I look around as I saw how everyone kept putting there backpacks up on the open seats next to them so Marcel couldn't sit there. I shook my head in disbelief as I looked at the open seat next to me. I quickly take my cross body bag off the chair as I look up and see Marcel passing by.

"You could sit here, if you want to?"


Marcel POV

"You could sit here, if you want to?"

I turn and look down as I see a familiar beautiful, brown eyes shine in front of me as I look into them. I didn't realize I was staring until I was knocked out of my thoughts.

"Marcel, are you going to sit or just stand there?" Selena asked, cutting me off from my thoughts as I realized she had an open seat for me. I let out a small smile, a nervous smile actually, and take a seat as she chuckles.

Marcel or Harry?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant