Chapter 1

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Selena POV


"Mmmughh" I groaned as I slammed the snooze button on my alarm clock,

wrapping my covers tighter around me again.

Ah, peace at last.


Oh dammit.


FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL, HONEY!" my mother yelled from downstairs as I groaned,

pushing the covers off me.

I sighed as I pushed myself up,

getting out of my bed as I stand up.

I rubbed my eyes as I walk over to drawer, then closet as I take out the clothes I need,

I walk over to my door, open it, and to the bathroom.

Today was the first day of school,

which isn't just like any other ordinary way,

it's my senior year!

My last year of school and I'm going to make the best of it,

no matter what it takes.

As I finish my routine in my bathroom,

I get out of my bathroom and walk over to my room.

I looked at my reflection at my mirror as I sighed,

taking out my hair dryer and curling iron,

I sprayed the heat protection on and I was ready for action.

As I finished my hair,

I grabbed my cross-body bag and my binder as I run out of my room, run down the stairs,

and go over to the kitchen.

"Hey mom" I smiled as I walk in,

sitting on a chair at the counter as I place my cross-bag and binder on a chair next to me.

"Hello sweetheart" my mom smiled as she places a plate of toast and bacon in front of me.

"do you need a ride to school?"

"Nah, I'll go walking like always" I told her, as I swallowed the food down my throat.

"Just remember what I told you" she narrowed her eyes at me as I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Yes, I know.

Get good grades and make momma proud"

"That's my girl" she smiled, stroking my hair as I chuckled.

I looked at the time on my phone as I gasped and wiped my mouth with my napkin,

grabbing my things as I was running around like a maniac.

"Bye mom" I ran to my mom, kissing her cheek as I run to the door.

"Bye honey, good luck!"

I heard her say as I closed the door,

I ran down the steps on my patio and began the way to my last year of

high school.


Marcel POV



Marcel or Harry?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon