Chapter 12

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Leeroy POV

I walk in the living room, looking at the green eyed boy sitting on my couch just breathing in and out of his mouth slowly. But don't think he still hasn't stopped crying yet.

I sighed, walking up to him before sitting next to him, but he didn't dare look up at me for any reason.

"It's okay Mar, I brought you a cup of tea. Herbal tea, your favorite" I motioned the cup of tea in my hands towards me.

"No thank you, I don't have any desire for tea right now" he waves his hand at me, shaking his head as he sniffs.

I frowned, putting down the cup of tea on the coffee table in front of us.

Seeing Marcel like this hurts me so much. My best mate is hurt because of a girl who chose his twin brother over him. He didn't even accept his favorite tea!

I know how it feels since it's always happens to me too, most boys only dated me to get close to Liam. Most of those boys were the ones I thought I could actually start a life with but no.

"She's not worth it Marcel, you deserve better"

"My conscience disagrees with your opinion, there's no possibility of finding another female out there if I can't remove her of not only my mind but heart"

"I feel like these are one of those Shakespeare moments" I joked, Marcel slightly chuckling at my joke as I pat his shoulder sympathetically.

He looks at me with his puffy red eyes, and slightly swollen, red cheeks as I sighed at the heartbroken lad.

"You're no better, you're are Marcel. Not even a girl can change that"

He smirks, sniffing as he wipes another tear away from his eye before looking up at me.

"I'm so grateful to have a companion like you in my life....thank you"

"I'm always here"

Always will be.


Selena POV

I walked down the hallways with my books held up to my chest. Students passing by me, friends or couples chatting with one another.

I look up and see the green eyed boy with those big lensed glasses as he pushes them up his nose.


Right when I was about to walk up to him, I felt a pair of arms wrap around from behind me as I turn to see the familiar person.

"Harry" I jumped, looking at the gorgeous green eyed boy as he smiles and pecks my cheek.


I turned to look at Marcel, catching him glaring at the both of us.

Oh Marcel, no.

He turns, slamming his locker shut as I see Leeroy show up beside him before the two walk off together.

That's how we use to be back in secondary school.

As you can already tell, Marcel and I have now went our separate ways with our friendship. I love Harry way too much to just let him go, so I feel like I should give him a chance.

But there's something in my mind that's telling me to move on but my heart is telling me to stay and not leave. What the hell?

Harry notices Marcel's glare over to us, sighing before looking down at me.

Marcel or Harry?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant