Chapter 18

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Leeroy POV

"Marcel, I'm sorry for what happened just now at the pep rally. I promise you there will be major consequences for those who were involved"

The school counselor, Ms. Teasdale, escorted us into her office as soon as we were found by some teachers. We are now in the office with the principal, Mr. Barlow, Marcel's mom, and the nurse.

After finding Marcel, he had a huge anxiety attack which Ms. Teasdale called the school nurse as soon as we were pulled into her office. Now we're just sitting here as she asks him some questions.

"Sweetie, do you have any idea who else could've been involved in this situation?"

I looked at Marcel. He just sat there quietly, looking down at his knees, like staring into space. He had a blank expression, but there were dry tear stains on his cheeks which broke my heart.

"Marcel, do you know who else was in on this tape situation other than your brother?"

I saw his hands tighten his grip on the chair, still quiet.


"Well do you have any idea, who it can be?"

The door opens, to reveal a curly headed boy with four other of his friends escorted into the office by a security guard. Even Selena and Eleanor came inside.

I gave him a hard death glare, I wanted to beat his ass so bad.
How could he? How could he do this to his own twin brother? His own flesh in blood?

"Harry, take a seat" said the principal, Mr. Cowell.

He takes a seat next to Marcel, looks at him, but Marcel doesn't even turn to look, not even a reaction. He just kept looking at his knees with the same blank expression.

"Harry, were you the one who played the tape at the auditorium?" asked Ms. Teasdale.

"Y-Yes sir"

"And may I ask why you would do such a thing?"

He looks up at Selena, but she quickly turns her head away. He sighs, looking back at the counselor.

"Just a stupid prank that I didn't think would escalate as far as it has become"

"And tell me Harry, were you the only one in on this?"

Harry just stayed quiet, not saying anything. All eyes were on him which made the atmosphere feel more intense.


He sighed, closing his eyes with his head down before picking his head back up with his eyes opened.

"No. It was all me. I did it, with no help."

You son of a bitch.

"And did you know Mr. Styles, that the tape has been uploaded to the internet and has been seen? It has over 1,000 views already"

"W-What? N-No....No I didn't know!"

"Harry! H-How c-could you? To your own b-brother?!" cried Mrs. Styles, wiping her nose off with a tissue.

"Well then Mr. Styles" said Mr. Cowell, walking slowly around Harry.

"Do you know that there a major consequences for these actions? You could get suspended, you could get expelled, you could even get charged and arrested for this type of thing"

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