Chapter 3

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Harry POV

"HARRY STYLES!" a voice called out my name,
I turn away from my locker,
turning around I see three familiar faces coming towards me.
"Hey lads" I smiled as they were now in front of me,
"Hey curly, where were you yesterday?" asked Louis, as I furrowed my eyebrows,
giving him a confused face.
"You don't know what we're talking about, don't you?"
"You were suppose to meet us at Nandos yesterday!" Niall shouted, crossing his arms at me.
"But of course you didn't show up, again!" Louis shouts, his eyes widen right at me.
"Sorry guys, but I was at Selena's last night.
I must have forgotten again"
"I swear, ever since you started dating that girl,
you've been with her non-stop"
"Oh come on lads, give Harold a break.
The boy's in love, he can't help it" Zayn said,
patting my shoulder as I smiled at him.
"It's been five years"
"It's been three years for you and Eleanor, hasn't it?"
Louis squints his eyes at Zayn,
crossing his arms at him,
"Touché" he blurts out as Niall and I chuckled,
also leaving Zayn with a smirk of victory on his face.
We stopped chuckling as we heard as gasp fall out of Niall's mouth as we turn our heads towards him,
seeing he has widen eyes and his jaw opened to the ground,
"No way"
"Look who it is!" Niall shouts, motioning us to look behind us as we see a familiar face and literally have jaws dropped to the ground as well.
"LIAM?!" we yelled in unison.
The brunette haired boy walks towards us with that familiar smile in his face,
"hey guys"
It was Liam!
"LIAM!!!" We yelled of excitement,
we ran like girls, over to him as we attack him with hugs and kisses on his face as he just laughed at our reactions towards his home-returning.
"Boys, I can't breathe!" Liam managed to say,
we quickly pull away as we look and see other students looking at us like if we were insane or something.
"Sorry! carry on!" Louis sassed,
waving his hand at the bystanders before we turn back over to our best mate,
"Your here, you actually here!" Niall shrieks of excitement.
"I know, you can see me, can't you?" he joked, earning a chuckle from all of us.
"What are you doing here?!
I thought you moved to London,
three years ago?!" I shouted, still wondering if this were a dream or not.
"I moved back, my mom finally got a new job here,
it pays well, so why not"
"And how was it living with your dad at London?"
"Fine, I finally met my twin brother"
"Really? That's great Li"
Liam has been one of my best mates since we were all kids,
yes I said all of us.
Zayn, Liam, Niall, Louis, and I have been this group,
like a family who has never broken apart before but that changed when Liam moved to London with his dad three years ago,
due to his mother having money problems and not being able to take care of him,
so she sent him to England with his dad and twin brother.
It did affect us at one point,
a long time actually.
We had to face the fact that we weren't going to spend our high school years with one of our best mates,
those past three years has been like we've been missing a piece in our pie.
But he's back!
Our best mate has returned to us,
which makes it better because now he's not only spending senior year with us,
but we'll be graduating together!
"WE ARE REUNITED AGAIN ONCE MORE!!!" Louis yells as we burst into cheers but Liam interrupts us,
"Wait guys, I have to tell you guys something though!"
We stopped cheering as we turn our full attention towards him,
"That is....?"
"My brother moved back with me as well"
"REALLY?!" we yelled in unison once more,
"Stop that" Liam chuckles as he shakes his head,
"He's right behind me actually"
We look behind him as we see a blonde boy wearing a white sweater with light blue skinny jeans,
standing right behind Liam,
his back turned,
not willing to turn around to look at us.
Huh, I didn't see him there.
He must be one of those shy and quiet types of people.
"Leeroy, turn around and meet my best mates" Liam told him,
the blonde boy slowly turns around as we lean a bit forward to catch a better view.
He has blonde hair, so I guess he must be a fraternal twin.
He turns around completely as we see Liam's face on the blonde boy.
I stand corrected, their identical twins after all.
"Hey there" Zayn smirked, waving at him,
"H-Hi" he stuttered, mumbling only loud enough for us to hear.
"Leeroy, these are my best mates.
Louis, Niall, Zayn, and Harry" Liam introduces us as we give his twin brother a welcoming smile,
"Guys, this is Leeroy"
Whose next, Zayn?" Louis yells out as he's bouncing the walls like a child he is.
I shook my head as I look over at Leeroy and smirked,
"Nice to meet you, I'm Harry" I held my hand out for him to shake,
he looks at my hand as he slowly raises his before shaking mine.
I understand he's nervous,
he doesn't even know us.
"So what brings you here, Leeroy?
Tired of living with your old man?" Zayn asked as we chuckled.
"Then....?" Niall asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Our dad got a new job in America and he didn't want to go,
so he decided to move here in Holmes Chapel with me and my mom.
Plus, our sisters don't live with my mom anymore so we have space for him" Liam smirks,
patting the shy boy on his back as Leeroy rolls his eyes at him.
I could tell he's not having a fond to this at all.
Right when I was about to say something,
the school bell rings as we just groan loudly,
knowing its time for our first class.
"Well Li, what's your first class?"
"Oh, um......spanish?" He looks up from his schedule, shrugging.
"You have it with me!!" Niall shrieks excitedly like if he won a certificate for a free whole year supply of Nandos.
"What about you?" I asked Leeroy,
he looks down at his schedule.
Oh, none of us have that class.
"Well I'll show him the way,
my class is just a corner from that classroom" Louis volunteers,
"well I guess I'll see you all at lunch" Liam said to us as we nod,
"See you later" he said to Leeroy before the twin walks off with Louis.
Looks like it's going to be a twin invasion very soon.

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