Chapter 21

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Selena POV

"Did you see nerdy Styles fight Olly? What a fucking animal!"

"I know, who would've known he could fight"

I heard everyone in the class talking and snickering about the fight that happened between Olly and Marcel. Everyone, including me, were shock since we didn't know that Marcel could be so aggressive.
I look to my side and see that Harry was staring right at me, he quickly turns away as he continues talking to Louis. I looked down at my desk, playing with my fingers before noticing someone sitting next to me. Eleanor.

"Hey Selena" she smiles nervously as I just shrugged, still looking down at my desk.

"Shouldn't you be sitting with Louis? After all, you did chose him over your best friend"

"Selena please, I'm sorry. I love Louis, I didn't want to lose him"

"And I love Harry but I still chose what was right even if I left him permanently"

"I know, but you have to understand that I was nervous and I just-"

"Didn't want to be ignored by the others? Yeah I know but I'm still fine"

"How? You have no friends Selena"

"I know I don't. No one wants anything to do with me and you gave up our friendship for your boyfriend and popularity. Not even Marcel wants me around him. He just completely dropped me out of his life for no reason" I said, tearing to hold in my tears but can hear my voice slightly crack.

"I know I'm wrong for what I'm doing, but if you want something in your life, sometimes you have to be selfish to keep it. But I still don't want you mad at me"

"WELL I AM, SO JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I shouted, standing up  and slamming my hands into my desk.

"Do what you want, I'm not stopping you. You already chose stupid boyfriend over a friendship of five years so get lost!" I shouted, picking up my books, making my way to the door.
I didn't care if everyone saw that I was causing a scene, I'm not about to forgive so easily.


I turned around as I make my way over for the window where I heard the yelling from. The rest of the class does the same and quickly run over to see what was happening. I look down and see that Ms. Teasdale was holding onto Marcel as he was trying to yank himself away from her grip and leave school grounds.

"Marcel please, don't run away! Let's us talk to you, we want to help!"

"I refuse to listen to any form of guidance from any adult. I won't allow anyone to restrict me from my thoughts and actions! I WON'T!"

Marcel finally pulls his hand away, causing Ms. Teasdale to slightly trip over, giving him the chance to run off with his briefcase clinging onto his chest. He finally makes his way past school gates and runs off as Ms. Teasdale calls after his name repeatedly.
Everyone whispers amongst each other and returns to their seats except for Harry, Louis, and Eleanor which they stood next to me. Louis walks over to me, leans over to me, whispering to my ear.

"He'll never be accepted by anyone, just accept it. He doesn't even want to be around you anymore. You mean nothing to him"

"Shut up Louis!" Harry nudged him to the side as he slightly pushed Harry away.
I raise my hand and swing it back as it connect perfectly to Louis's right cheek.


"You don't know a-anything Louis, S-Shut up!"

I run out of the classroom and into the hallway, now making my way out of the school. Good thing school security wasn't around because I definitely would've been screwed.
Once I was out of school property, I already knew where I was going and that was to look for Marcel.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2018 ⏰

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