Chapter 10

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Harry POV

"That bitch, she just punched me in the nose. MY BEAUTIFUL NOSE!" Taylor yelled, clutching on her, possibly, broken nose with her hand.

"Well you shouldn't have insulted Selena then"

"She had it coming"

"No she didn't, Taylor! She didn't say anything to you, you were the one to bud in first when it wasn't your attention to"

"Are you seriously defending your ex over your girlfriend? Her insane friend punched me on my nose!" she exclaimed, her shouting causing attention around us.

"Stop shouting, your causing a scene"

"Then stop being an immature boyfriend, and defending your ex over me! What? Do you still have feelings for her or something?!"

Do I still have feelings for Selena?

"Even when you know she's with your brother now?"

"No, she's not. They would never do that to me"

"Open your eyes, Harry! They are together 24/7, in our 5th period class they sit together as they pass stupid notes to each other or just talk to each other always. And don't think I don't notice their blush and smiles whenever their together" she points out, crossing her arms as she still manages to hold her broken nose.

I felt anger, sadness, and mainly jealously. She just opened my eyes! Since that night when I caught my twin brother with the girl I have loved for years, I couldn't stop replying that moment in my mind. And when I pushed her to the ground, I knew I would never forgive myself for that, I just blacked out due to her defending Marcel so I took it out on her.

I turned to look at Taylor, just realizing something......

What the fuck am I doing, dating someone like her?

I cheated on Selena with her, when I knew she's was her enemy. I was a desperate manwhore, wanting to fuck.

"So Harold, any apology towards you defending the bitch but me?" Taylor smirks innocently, I found that attractive?!

"Yeah, I'm sorry......"

"Good" she smiled, shrugging her shoulders.

"I'm sorry I cheated on Selena with someone like you. I love Selena, not you. It's over"

Her face completely drops, her jaw dropped to the ground with her face in a deep shade of red.

"WHAT?!" She yelled, causing more attention and stares around us. Oh well.

"Your dumping me for her?!"

"Yeah, I am"

"You c-can't break up with me.....I-I'm the one who breaks hearts not the can't dump me-....OUCH!" she shrieks, holding her broken nose once more as I just shrugged and smirked.

"Yep, sorry"

I turned away from her, hearing her calls and threats being shouted at me, but all I can do was chuckle.


Whatever slut.

I ruined everything with the love of my life, but I'm going to fix it.

I'm going to win Selena back.


Marcel POV

Marcel or Harry?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora