Chapter 15: Never ask questions you don't want to know the answer to

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A/N: Hey guys! This is Soph speaking and I just want to say that this chapter is extra special because.......drummeral......ANJI WROTE IT! That's right! she wrote this chapter all by herself! Well...she only wrote the stuff about Langi. The other part I wrote. But for this, There should be extra comments and more votes to celebrate Anji actually writing a piece of the book since a VERY long time! PLEASE READ AUTHORS NOTE AT END OF CHAPTER!!!


Chapter 15: Never ask questions you don't want to know the answer to

Zayn's POV

I couldn't believe it! Wow it's a small world! Ella. Ella, the girl who I met in the cafeteria of the hospital when Sophie was in coma. The Ella that I shared my lunch with, and also the same Ella who rejected me...

We kept staring into each other’s eyes for about another minute or so in that dark alley way with moans and groans coming from Red Shirt guy, Dreadlocks and Nose Ring. I could tell that we were thinking the same thing. About the time when we met before. Not about right now. For all I know that was at the back of our minds at this moment.

But I have to push the past aside and help her, "here", I said standing up and pulling out my hand to help her up also. She took it.

"Thanks", was all she said.

I smiled, "why don't we get something to eat", I suggested.

She nodded, "no Zayn", she said longing out my name, "you're bruised up, scratched up, you need to lie down, some ice and get cleaned up".

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine. Now let's get out of here."

She nodded and walked beside me keeping her distance. We walked to a regular road in silence until she brought up a conversation.

"So why are you here in LA? Where's your gang?"

I looked at her smiling thinking that she was thinking about me, "I came to LA to explore", I lied, "and I'm here alone. My 'gang'", I put up in quotes, "is still in Maui except for Kenzie and Niall."

She nodded, "is your friend out of coma?"

"Yeah, she's doing a lot better. In fact, her birthday is tomorrow".

I don't even know why I'm saying this. Ella doesn't care; she's just making a conversation between us so things aren't awkward.

"What about you?" I asked.

She looked at me confused, "what do you mean?"

"What have you been up to lately? Are you here by yourself?"

"Yes I'm here alone but my cousin lives in San Francisco that I might go visit. I'm traveling and exploring too." Ella stated.

"So you were exploring dark alley ways? A place where creeps with ugly dreadlocks and nose rings hang out and rape slim girls like you?"

We stopped walking on the streets on LA and looked at each other. I saw tears in her eyes and I realized what I just said.

"Shit I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it like that. It was a joke!" I tried.

"Forget it Zayn", she said coldly in my face crying, "I don't even know why I'm walking with you. Just because you saved me from rapers doesn't mean that I should let you become my friend. You're arrogant Zayn! You have absolute no right to judge why I was in that alley"

I froze, "I-I-", she cut me off.

"That's it, I'm leaving"

Ella started walking away; I chased after her and grabbed her elbow, "please stop! I'm so sorry; I really hope you forgive me! C'mon, let’s go to the bakery down the road where my hotel is. Maybe you can spend the night to wash up. C'mon, you owe me one!" I pleaded, hard.

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