Chapter 7: YOU'RE SELFISH LIAM!!!!

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HEY GUYS!!! This is soph talking.

So this is the next chapter that we promised we’d bring you. To be honest, while I was writing this chapter, I was on the verge of crying.  So if you’re as sensitive as me, then please have some Kleenex with you! 


Zayn's POV

The big news was out; Louis and Sophie were going to Maui in a few days after our last gig.  Though, I guess Lou and Soph aren't the only ones going.  We all wanted to come except for Niall for some reason.  So, that was the final deal, we were all going except for Niall.

After the gig, we were all packing.  I went through everything I packed and realised that I needed another bathing suit, not that I would go in the water or anything.  They were mainly for tanning.

I went to Niall's room and knocked on the door.  When he allowed me inside, I asked for an extra pair of bathing suit.  It's not like he was going to wear it or anything.

“Yeah sure, it's over there in that drawer” he said pointing to a white drawer beside his bed.

When I got what I needed, I started to walk out and spun around when a sudden question popped in my head. “Niall, why aren't you coming to Maui with us?”

“You know, I want to head back to Ireland and see my family” when he said that, he shrugged and was twirling his thumbs.  Oh, I know that boy too well.  It was a complete lie.

“Oh come on, stop fooling around, what’s wrong?” I asked plopping myself down next to Niall on his bed.

“What do you mean?” He asked giving me the ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about’ face.

“Is this about Kenzie?”

The Irish boy sighed “I can’t even stand her being in the same room as her for a minute, how am I supposed to go a whole month in Maui with her?” he looked at me with a pleading look.

“You have to face her some time, mate”

Niall raised his voice “she cheated on me! With my band mate!  What am I supposed to do?”

“I understand, but you’re going to be missing out on a lot of fun.  I mean, when’s the next time Louis and Sophie go to Maui and decides to bring us?” That was the last thing I said before walking out.

As I turned the corner, I heard the loudest sigh I’ve ever heard “fine, I’ll go!”

I walked back to my room with Niall’s bathing suit having a huge grin plastered on my face for my accomplishment of the day.


“Ok guys, we’ll take two cars.  Girls in one car and boys in the other. BREAK!” Instructed Liam.

We arrived in Maui yesterday and so far, things are good, Liam and Anji are happy, Louis and Sophie are being the happiest couple ever as usually and well, for the rest of us, not so good.  Kenzie and Niall won’t even look at each other, Harry is acting all moody and well, me, I’m the awkwardly person standing there trying to get a conversation in the air but failing miserably every time. 

We got in our silver rented rav 4’s and headed to the dock to aboard our luxury yacht to spend the day in.  We got in the car with Louis driving, Harry in the passenger seat and Niall and Liam on either side of me in the back seat; not the best idea.

The car ride was getting a really awkward silence so I decided to bring something up, “so lads, what do you want to do when we get to the yacht? Swim? Tan?”

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