Chapter 20: This is so creepy!

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Chapter 20: This is so creepy!

Sophie's POV

I heard faint voices around me, not sure who they belong to. Where am I? Am I in heaven? Please, Lord, I still want to live! It's not my time yet! I felt my fingers move, I felt my toes move, so what does this mean? I make this sound in my mouth, almost like a small whine.

"Sh, she's waking up!" I hear someone say. An angel maybe?

"Wait, what?" I hear another say. After that I hear a lot of noises and shushing. What is going on.

"Call the doctor!" I hear one say.

"Yeah, Harry, go!" I hear another say. Harry? Harry Styles? What? I thought there was only one Harry Styles, and he lives down on earth.

"But why me, Lou?" I hear someone say. Lou? As in Louis Tomlinson? My BooBear?

I mentally gasp as I quickly open my eyes to see if it's my boyfriend. Though, I don't see anything for a moment, I try to turn my head but it already makes me dizzy looking straight to start with.

"Soph?" I hear hime again.

In groan in pain. Why does my head hurt so much? I try to turn my head but fails.

"No, Soph, stay there. I'm here for you. He says finding my hands and squeezes it for reassurance.

"Where am I?" I try to ask but I don't think he understood because of the fact that my voice is so low.

"You're at the hospital in Maui. Do you remember anything?" He asks calmly.

I think really hard about that but just tell him a firm no. But right after I say that, I suddenly remember something intense that just happened. Was it real? No, it was too intense to be real. But if it was real, then why am I here in a hospital, in Maui? I should be in jail right now in New York.

I'm getting a migraine from all this thinking, I actually start aching pain because of it.

I hear high heels clicking coming closer until they stop and I see a lady above me looking down at my with a smile. I can't exactly see her characteristics because of the blurriness of my eyes but I just lie there looking up at her squinting.

"Good to be awake, right Miss MaCoy? You don't have to answer that." She says with a small laugh. "I'm your doctor, Dr. Yalée. You're on some pain killers right now and a whole bunch of other medicine right now and for the next little while. What you can do for me is to just rest, don't worry about anything else and just rest. Sleep is more recommended though.

"What happened?" I ask so weak.

"You have been in coma for two weeks now. I'll take some tests the next tie you wake up."

I don't really want to sleep, I guess I've been sleeping for two weeks straight, I don't need anymore. Then again, I'm so tired.

The doctor says a few things to Louis and Harry until my eyes close.


I wake up again feeling much better. Wow, pain killers actually kill pain. I make a groan and I immediately feel a hand squeezing my hand. Guessing that it's Louis, I open my eyes and I find that I'm right.

I need to tell him about my dream. "Louis," I say and he tells me that he's here, "I had this intense dream. You were there, and everyone else."

He raises his eyebrows and looks at me.

"What happened?"

"Well I got out of coma and we had fun, we went to clubs, markets, the beach, doing lovey dovey couple stuff." I say sitting up a bit without any pain surprisingly. "But then it was my birthday and you took me to the mountains and to where those caves were and we jumped in and played around, but after we couldn't get back up so we were stuck in a cave for two days until the rescue patrol came to rescue us and-"

"Wait, wait, wait. You're telling me that after, we got back to the hotel, and we were having a feast thing without Niall and Kenzie because they went back home for Kenzie's check up thingy. But then I got a call from my mom sobbing, telling me that Kenzie died. So we went back home and attended the funeral. After Niall invited us to his house telling us that we wanted to murder management because they were being too controlling. We all agreed to do it except for Anji and Liam so they stayed behind, we made a whole plan at Madison Square Gardens but failed a bit and got caught by the police." He said a bit quickly.

I widen my eyes so wide because that's exactly what happened. "Yes! But you forgot that Zayn went to LA to find his love interest and saved a girl named Ella that she met in the hospital from being raped by three Sysco Paths. They got along really well but then they were held hostage in a bank. Then they eventually got out and got mobbed by the paps, Ella broke up with Zayn even though they were't dating and left leaving a not after their kiss. Yeah, I know that because Zayn keeps me posted."

"Ok well that wasn't in my dream because I didn't witness it."

"So what we're saying is that we both had the exact same dream?" I ask a bit creeped out.

He thought about for a minute. "Yes, but we're not the only ones, I had this conversation with the others who had the exact same dream."

"This is so creepy! This must be a message or something." I say yawning but at the same time, being really excited.

"We'll talk more about this after but it seems like you haven't had enough sleep so get some more rest." He orders.

I obey and immediately fall asleep.


I get out of the hospital a week after. I had to take some physiotherapy first.

Today, all of us are spending the day at the beach. Bri apologized for what she did. I forgave her and moved on.

It seems like I missed some gossip, Bri and Harry are now dating, it started recently. I'm honestly happy for them. Ever since I saw them by each others side, I knew they would end up together.

We talked about our dreams that we had. We all agreed to let it go. It was a good laugh that we'll remember.

Anyway, it's a hot day outside and the sun is shining! We settle our things down and immediately, we all race to the water with a sprint. We splash around, talk and even do acrobatic stuff in the water.

We get out of the ocean and walk back to our spot. Though, on the way, we see a dead crab in the sand. I jump int Louis' arms and actually cry with laughter because I was just about to step on it.

We play paddle ball, truth or dare, build a sand castle, tan, sing songs and do what best friends do. Sitting in the setting sun at the end of the day with Niall playing his guitar, makes me think of how lucky I am. I have an amazing boyfriend who treats me right. I have seven best friends. Though altogether, they're my family.

Sometimes you have to live through the moment with your friends. You never now what could happen next. Everything can go wrong whenever it wants, the only thing you can control is how you fix it.


And its finished!!!!! Hallelujah!!! Thank you so much to the people who were patient with us until the end. I hope you liked it! So at the end, everything from after Sophie was in coma was a dream. All the different POVs was taking place in their dream. For example, if it wAs Zayn's POV, it was his dream.

Just as a reminder that the book Sweet N Innocent will be posted in the new year of 2014 sometime so, stay tuned.

We had a lot of fun and laughs writing this book even though it was a bit of a fail.


When Everything Goes Wrong (1D Romance)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora