Chapter 16: I don't know babe

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Chapter 16: I don't know babe

Kenzie POV

I was scared. I was truly terrified. I didn't know how Niall would react to going to the hospital. The whole trip back to London he didn't say a word to me. The band seems to be at the hospital way too much and maybe Niall's just fed up with it all.

I hope he understands. After my whole situation passes, well, if it ever does.

As soon as I was diagnosed I started to read up on this physically incapable stuff and apparently I have the worst kind. My type can affect me in so many was. I can have seizures, can't eat certain type of things and in some cases can't have children. I hope that's not my case though. Niall loves kids and if I can't have kids, then I don't know what I would do with my life!

I looked to where he was sitting. He was in the seat next to me and holding my hand and trying to keep calm about the whole situation. I could tell hospitals made him nervous. Niall told me that when he was a kid, he lost his good friend to cancer and watched him die in the hospital and has been uneasy about going to hospitals since. Poor guy.

"Hey babe it's ok", I told him, squeezing his hand.

"Umm ya, I know", he said with his voice shaking.

"Miss Kenzie Tomlinson?" The nurse asked over the counter. Niall stood up and pulled me with him to the desk and took the folder she handed him. Then led us to an empty room.

A few mintues passed filled with awkward silence before the doctor walked in.

"Hello Miss Tomlinson how are you?" The doctor asked trying to brighten up the room which clearly isn't working out so well. He was a fairly old chinesses man with a white beard and glasses.

"Umm ok I guess", I murmured. He looked at my file and started to ask me questions like about my mental health and what not. Then started to take tests. Mouth swab and tap my knee. But then took out a needle and drew blood from my arm.

"I'll be back", he said and with that, he walked out.

"I'm sorry", Niall whispered into my ear.

"It's ok, you couldn't of stopped it", I started to explain.

"No for not talking to you. It's just taking a lot of time to process this," he said, "I mean, I don't know what I would do if you can't have kids or get sick or something."

"I'm fine, I promise. I'll have kids and I'll be able to live a normal life I swear to you I'll be ok", I told him" and ev-"

I was cut off but a pair of smooth lips colliding with mine. I started to kiss back. I was glad he was back to his normal behaviour. Before he bit my bottom lip and things became heated, I pulled away when I heard footsteps coming down the hallway outside of the room. Niall sat down now with a small smile plastered on his face.

"I have some good news and some bad news", the doctor said as soon as he walked in the room.

"First the bad news," he starts,"I'm sorry but your condition has gotten worst so now you are unable to have children."

I felt numb. Then sad. Terrified. Then mad. Then worried about Niall. I looked over to him. He was wearing a blank expression, his smile had disappeared and he dropped my hand.

"But the good news is you can adopt!" The doctor said with a more perky tone of voice.

And with that Niall stormed out and on the way pushing a nurse out of the his path.

"Sorry" I said to the doctor, said my thank you's, booked my next appointment and ran out to follow him. I whipped around the corner to find him and saw him sitting on a chair with his hands in his hair, crying.

When Everything Goes Wrong (1D Romance)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz