Chapter 17: I know this is it

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Chapter 17: I know this is it

Zayn's POV

We've been held hostage for about two hours now and I feel horrible. Ella is still sobbing in my arms. She's been sobbing like how she is for a really long time now. The people who are running this hostage keeps on swearing at her to shut up. I must point this out there that they are very rude.

There are four people, three guys and a girl. They are all holding a large gun pointing at the people beside us in case we move or do anything. Everybody who's in the bank is all sitting in a big circle scared out of their lives. The robber people are collecting all the money the bank has and plus our wallets and cell phones. Any valuable jewellery that we're wearing, they take.

The one guy took the necklace Ella was wearing. She said that it was her moms. It was very special to her.

But we're here practically cuddling. I wouldn't say that we were close. We're close enough to be doing what we're doing now.

"Z-z-Zayn," she stutters reaching her hand out to my cheek, "I'm scared. We're going to die! I know it!"

"Shh Ella, everything will be okay. I promise! The police are outside and they're figuring out a way to get us out of here." I tried to reassure her.

"How much longer will be in here? I want to go home!" She cried.

The man beside her, about 40 something spoke, "we all want to go home slut! Now start being selfish by only thinking of yourself and be considerate of the people around you. Think of your boyfriend there? Ever wondered how he's feeling?" He shouted.

"Hey!" The scary woman with the gun shouted, "Shut up or else I'll blow your head off!"

The man looked down ashamed of himself for speaking up. I felt bad, "hey, it's ok," I whispered to the man reaching over Ella to gently touch his knee, "its fine. We're all scared. We just need to relax and calm down. The police will get us out of here before we know it."

He looked at me, he had longing eyes, and "I have a family to go home to." My heart sank.

"Tell me about them and yourself."

"My name is Douglas; I have a wife, Autumn. She's the love of my life. We've been married for 20 years." At this point, everyone in the circle are listening to Douglas, including Ella. "I have a 10 year old daughter, Melody, she's such a drama queen, she loves acting and she loves dancing. Melody has an older brother, David, he's 13 years old. He loves video games, skateboarding and hockey. My oldest daughter who's 19, Samantha, is in University at Gale studying business. She's home now for the summer. She loves music, she's in love with some boy band One Direction." I smiled at him when he said that. "Samantha is gorgeous, all of them are. If only I can get back to them."

We went all around the circle because it somewhat helps us to be encouraged that we'll get home to our families. It was my turn to share, "my name is Zayn," I look at Douglas, "I'm in the world wide band One Direction. I have my family back home in England as you can tell by my British accent. My family I'm going to tell you about is my friends. In my band there's also Louis, Niall, Liam and Harry. Plus with their girlfriends and friends who are Sophie, Bri, Kenzie and Anji. I can't forget Paul, our manager, our band, Josh the drummer and Sandy our lead guitarist. They're my life right now, all of them. I seriously wouldn't know what to do without them." Everyone smiled at me. I feel so much better now. I have hope in myself that I will get through this.

It's Ella's turn. She's going to talk about her family, I've never asked about her family but maybe now I'll learn a little bit more about it. "Hi my name is Ella, my family is scattered around the world and quite frankly, I don't really know where they are. I have an older sister Gabby. It seems like separated from each other about four years ago and I've been on my own since. Over the years I've sort of lost touch with them. Hearing all of your stories about how you're so close with your family, I realize how lucky you are. I don't really want to explain why we went our separate ways..."

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