Chapter 6: But Harry said-

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 Chapter 6: But Harry said-

Kenzie's POV

The boys’ concert was going to start in an hour.  I was eyeing the food table in their dressing room debating if I should eat now or after the concert.

Before I could decide, my brother opened the door and walked straight towards me.  I got off the couch and walked towards the other exit.  Zayn, of course was blocking it so I couldn't get out.

"Zayn," I put on my best puppy face "can you please move?"

"No can do kiddo, Louis will make me dance the whole night on stage if I move." He replied with a confident smile.

"What if I buy you a new mirror?" I tried to bribe. 

Zayn hesitated before saying "Fine, but make it big enough so I can show all of my sexiness to the mirror." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes "Deal, now move."

He walked away, probably to a mirror to fix his hair or something.  I laughed at his vainness and opened the door.

I took a step forward only to be held back by a pair of hands that grabbed my waist and dragged me back in.  

I screamed as loud as I could while I looked to see Louis chuckling.


"We need to talk" he said cutting me off acting all serious which I dought will last long.

"Only if you put me down and won't treat me like an animal anymore."


"Don't get smart on me Lou!"  I snapped cutting him off.  "So what do you want to talk to me about?"  I asked changing the subject while putting me down. 

"About," he hesitated “about Sophie"

"What about her?"  I asked stupidly even though I knew where he was going with this.

"You like her, don't you?"

"Ya of course, we're great friends"  I answered.

"Then why don’t you like it when I ask her out?" He asked anxiously cutting to the point.

"It's just that...-"

"It's just what? He asked

"It's just that you said that you wouldn't date anymore of my friends."

"I'm sorry I broke my word, I just can't control of how I feel for people!"  He said holding onto my shoulders with a sorry look in his eyes.

"That's what you said last time." I reminded him cracking a smile.

"Do you give me permission to date Sophie?"

Sophie's POV

When the boys concert ended, I was the first ot greet them with a hug.  But once I saw them come off stage, I immediately thought that it was a bad idea.  It was too late.  I got soaked in a group hug.  Discussing.

"EEEWWW!!!!!!" I complained "you're getting me wet!  Plus you all stink!"

They got off of me and said their sorrys.

"Sorry love, you know we can't resist your hugs" Harry said cheekily

"Hey, get your eyes off of her, she's mine!"  Louis said wrapping his arms around me protectively.

I loved of how he called me 'his' it was so cute.  I soon realised I was blushing while looking down.  I saw that my tank top was getting wet so I pushed Louis off.

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