Chapter 3: So like on a date?

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Chapter 3: So like on a date?

LIAMS POV*******

"Thank you London" I yelled to the crowd. They shouted back asking for a oncore but not today I have 'other things' to attend to I thought as we walked of stage and into the dressing room.

"Good show guys good show" I said reassuring everyone, patting each of them on the back.

"Um, hi I'm Anji, Liam's new make up artist" Anij said coming into the room. Even when she is a little cautious she is still so adorable.

"Hey" all the guys said.

"Well I just wanted to say that was a great show" she remarked.

"T-t-thanks" I stuttered as she walk out of the room.

"Awwww, Wiam has a wittle crushy wushy" Harry said pinching my cheeks.

"Ahh do not" I lied "Why do you think she noticed'

"No lad I think she likes you too" Niall said confidently.

"Really?" I asked trying not to give my hopes up.

“YA " Zayn said but not turning from the mirror where he was fixing his hair.

"You should ask her out, like me and Louis are going shopping this afternoon and Kenzie and Niall are going to the bay with Harry to go boating and I think Niall’s going to pull his 'MOVE' on Kenz" he exclaimed.

"WHAT???!!!!!" Louis shouted running after screaming Niall. I backed away trying not to get into this Zayn and Harry copied.

"I AM GOING TO KILL YOU" yelled Louis.

"I'M SORRY, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but she is just so pretty and she's special and nice and intelligent and-" I stopped Niall before he got a black eye, by pulling him out from under Louis yanked him over my shoulder out of reach, or as far away from Louis as possible. Zayn and Harry pinned Louis and slapped him to calm him down.

"But you can't, mom will kill me if you do" Louis whinnied.

"Louis I can’t help it" said frightened Niall rubbing his sore cheek and eye.

"Please Lou please” Niall was now on the floor, begging.

"Fine, but don't tell my mother, she'll flip" Lou told Niall.

"I promise"

"And if you hurt her in any shape or form your eye wont be the only thing that's black" Louis threatened.

"Yes sir" Niall said skipping into the closet in bliss humming his solo in One Thing.

"Um hey Anji I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go out on.....well this afternoon" I said looking into my mirror " no that's stupid umm sup Anji you, me Nando's at 7 no come on Liam think...."

"She said no!!!" Niall said excitedly.

"Really oh I'm real sorry pal" I started to say to him.

"Why that's good" he stated.

"What" I asked.

"I asked Anji if she was seeing anyone"

"What? But I called dibs" I said frustrated.

"No lad I asked for you so when you ask her she doesn't say she has a boyfriend" Niall said with more of a duh tone.

"Oh thanks pal" I said patting him on the back.

Just then Anji came in the dressing room.

"Well let's take this makeup off of you shall we" she said bending over to get something from her bag of things. All I could do was nod.

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