Chapter 1

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The words, " I sentence you, La'terria Mason, to 20 years in the Douglas County Women's State Penitentiary,with no parole.", replay over and over again in my head as I'm escorted to my cell by a male guard. Over and over again, I say to myself "How could I do this to myself?" But then again, this is all my fault. As the guard locks me in my cell, I spot my cell mate lying on her bed staring dead at me. She looks pretty but also tough. Once the guard disappears, there's an awkward silence, and then she makes conversation. "My name is Victoria; what's your name?" I look at her for awhile and then I responded, "I'm La'terria." She pauses a moment before speaking again, "Oh, what you in for?" I pause, " I'm in here for murder." She looked shocked. "Well, may I ask what happened?" I was hesitant at first, but then I began telling her my story. "It all started two years ago...

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