Chapter 5

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"So you're not gonna tell me where we're going?" He chuckled. "Babygirl chill, it's a surprise." I pout. "Whatever." It was complete silence. We pulled up to the be beach. We parked, and he got out and opened the door for me. He grabbed my hand and led me towards this tent. When I noticed the blanket, beach chairs,Ciroc, candles, and small sandwiches, I gasped and cupped my mouth with my hands. "This is beautiful." I say. "Thanks, I do my best." He responds. "Well, you did well." We sat down, ate, and drank. Then, we start to walk along the water. He says, "Tell me about yourself." I looked straight ahead. Then I say,"Let's play 20 questions." He says, "Okay, where you from?"

"Atlanta," I paused. "How about you?" He nods. "I'm from Detroit." I smiled at him. "Your favorite color?" I ask. "Black." I nod,processing it in my head.

Some Minutes Later,

I laughed as Tyson splashed me with water. I punched him on his arm. He picks me up over his head. "I will drop you in this water, so say you're sorry." I laugh, not taking him serious. He shakes me while I'm still over his head. I start laughing. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry let me down." I say. He finally lets me down. "And don't do it any more." He says. I laugh. It was silent. "You're actually cool." I say. He scrunched his eyebrows together. "What you mean?" He asked. "You're actually cool, I thought you were a self-centered kind of person,but you're okay." I explained. He smiles. "Don't judge a book by its cover, ma." I nod. "I guess not."

We were riding in his car, back to my place. The date was over and I had a good time. We pulled up to my apartment complex. We both got out and he walked me to my apartment. As we approached my door, I pulled out my keys and unlocked the door. When I was just about to close my door, he stopped it with his foot. "You're not going to invite me in?" I sighed loudly. "Too soon." He held his hands up in surrender mode. "Okay, I get it, have a nice night." I nodded and smiled a soft smile. "Thanks for the good time." I said. He says,"No problem, ma." as he pulled me into a hug. That was the closest I've ever been to him and I must admit, it felt so right. I pulled away from him. "Bye" I say. He kisses my forehead. "Bye, ma."

I closed the door and felt butterflies in my stomach. I feel like a little 13-year old who just went on her first date with her longtime crush. I must admit, I can see myself in a relationship with Ty,but no, I have to focus on my future that's gonna just have to wait. I made my way to my room and stripped down to my underwear. I put on my sleep shorts and a tank top, and I snuggled up under my sheets and watch Martin on MTV. I turned over getting ready to go to bed when out of nowhere, my phone went off. It was a text........ from Ty.

Fvckboy: Goodnight, ma. Tonight was great!(11:21)

Me: Goodnight and ikr!(11:22)

Maybe I should change his contact name. Yea, imma change it.

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