Chapter 19

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La'terria's POV

I ain't got no plans. No, no, no!" I sung to "Going Down" by Rose Royce as I held a bottle of gin in my hand. Tyson and I decided to go clubbing. I don't know why, but I guess to have some bonding time.

"Terri, stop that and get down!" Tyson said, pulling me down from on top of the bar.

"No, get your freaking hands away from me!" I exclaimed, slapping his hand away.

Tyson took a deep breath as if to say I was pissing him off. I don't care though. If anyone deserves to be pissed, it should be me. I mean this bastard cheated on me, didn't mention once that he had a wife, and last but not least, this nigga tried to take my fucking bottle! Niggas these days, so disrespectful.

After dancing for a little while I got tired and was ready to go. "Tyson take me home." I said, pouting.

"Yea, come on." he said grabbing my hand and leading me out of the club. "Loosen your grip, boy." I said trying to pry my wrist from his grasp, but he had a tight grip.

Tyson's POV

"Terri, stop making a scene."

"Oh, I'm making a scene, but you have a death grip on my wrist? Alright." I exclaimed loudly.

"Get in." I said holding the door open for her to get inside.

"Yes, zaddy." she said, laughing at her own joke. I shook my head as I helped her inside the car.

"Stop touching my ass. I know you miss it but zammmn." she said, finally sitting down in the passenger seat.


"Terri, leave the radio alone." I said grabbing her hands and putting them in her lap.

"Well turn this boring ass station then." she said pouting and folding her arms.

I just glanced at her and turned my head back to the road, shaking my head.


"Hurry up!!" Terri said as I tried to unlock her apartment with the key she gave to me. "I pushed the door in, moving to the side so she could go in first. She went straight to her couch, plopping down on it. I made my way over to the couch sitting next to her.

We sat in silence for awhile until she suddenly said, "Tyson, why couldn't you be faithful to me?"

La'terria's POV

"Tyson, why couldn't you be faithful to me?" I asked mainly because it just came to mind and I wanted to know.
Tyson looked into my eyes. "I don't know, Tee and I'm very sorry. You didn't deserve that. You're a phenomenal woman."

I nodded my head as tears started to fall, but I quickly wiped them away. "I love you, La'terria. Don't ever think otherwise."

I held my head down. I wasn't really sure if he meant what he said or not.

Tyson cupped my chin and kisses me so passionately. After our lips parted, I just got lost in his eyes. I don't know what took over me, but I kissed him. I love Tyson, but something was telling me that my affliction wasn't over just yet.

Do you think that La'terria will experience anymore pain?

Do you think that Tyson has changed?

Tell me what you think; I want your opinions!!!!

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Love you all!!❤❤❤❤

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