Chapter 11

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La'terria POV

I rolled over, still wrapped in Ty's arms. I rolled out of bed without awakening him. I made my way to the bathroom to relieve myself and take care of my hygienes. I come out of the bathroom and glanced over to my bed to see Tyson still asleep. I made my way to the kitchen to cook breakfast. After debating, I finally decided on cheesy eggs, french toast, and ham. I turned my playlist on, on my phone and got down to business. I finished cooking and carried me and Ty's plates up to my room. I get to my room and this nigga is STILL sleep. I sat the plates down and smacked Ty dead on his face. He got up so quick and I just busted out laughing, this nigga. "Man you play too much." He said rubbing his eyes.

"Whatever, just get this food and eat." I said handing him his food.

"I'm getting breakfast in bed? I must have that good D." He said smiling.

I laughed. "From what happened last night, I hate to tell you, but you're not that good."

"Oh I'm not that good but you was like "Oh Ty! Oh Ty! Oh my God-"

"Lies, lies, and more lies." I said cutting him off from imitating me.

"Mhmm" he said walking into the bathroom.

I finished eating and started making up my bed. I put my plate in the sink and made my way back upstairs to my room. As I looked for something to wear for today, Ty came out of the bathroom. I guess this was the time to tell him that I was going back home to visit my family tomorrow.

"Umm babe, I'm going out of town tomorrow." I say as I slip on my jeans and my stussy t-shirt. "Oh okay, where you going?" He asked as he laid on the bed.

I moved from my closet to my bed, sitting down on my bed and putting on my black converse. "Home.... to see my family, haven't been in awhile."

"Oh alright how long you gonna be gone?"

I thought for a minute and then said, "Probably like 2-3 days."

He nodded his head. "Ok, I guess I can stand that."

I smiled and went into the bathroom. I put my hair into a simple messy bun with the scrunchy I had around my wrist. "Babe, I gotta go. I'll see you later." He said as he hugged me from behind and kissed me on the cheek. I softly smiled. "Bye, babe."

Arielle's POV

"Trenton, I didn't mean it like that."

"Oh you didn't, well that's what you said." He said as he left out of my door.

Basically, he asked me was I talking to other dudes. And I said, "You're not my man so why you worried?" He took it personal and now he's mad at me. Even though I really didn't mean it like that, that's how it came out, but I have a house to clean so me and Trent's problems will have to wait. I sighed loudly as I through a load of clothes in the washer.

Tyson's POV

I pulled up into my driveway and got out the car. I notice that Ri's car is still here, which means SHE is still here. I open the door and speaking of the devil, Ri's right there on our couch waiting on me. "So where have you been, smashing one of your hoes?" She asked, grilling me before I even got pass the doormat. "No, I was with my girlfriend. I don't even know why you give me the third degree, knowing good and dvmn well you seeing other people too." I say getting pissed.

"Whatever" she simply says.

"Yea, whatever." I say going into the kitchen to grab me a bottle of water.

I don't know why she playing dumb like we actually still act like a married couple. We've been married for three years and we only actually stayed "married" for just the first year. I mean we still have sex, but there's no emotion whatsoever. It's funny to me that she would ask me about my whereabouts, but she was probably fvcking old dude last night. I crashed on the couch and watched SportsCenter, the nerve of this girl.

La'terria's POV

"Thank you, come again." I said to another satisfied customer.

"I'm going to lunch, girl." Dria said as she grabbed her purse.

"Okay." I said coming from behind the counter.

Just then, Erica walks into the store.

"Hey, girl." I say greeting her.

"Wassup, chick." She said kind of dryly.

"What's wrong, why you so dry today?" I asked her as she got closer.

She shook her head and said, "You can't fix it, girl... marital problems." I nodded, being sympathetic. "I'm sorry."

She nodded and smiled at me. "Well, I gotta go. I came to shop in another store. I just wanted to come through and talk to my girl." she said hugging me goodbye.

"Bye, girl." She said making her way to the exit. "Alright, see you later." I said making my way to the back of the store. I had boxes to unpack and clothes to put on display.I guess you can say that me and Erica have become closer. We hangout, we text, and she goes to parties with me and Arielle from time to time.


I got home and took a shower. After taking a shower, I started packing for home. After stuffing my suitcase, I got in bed, but as soon as I got in, I got a text.

Babe: GN.

Me: Night babe

Oh, I think I love this boy.


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